"Yabut, Clinton used an insucure server!"

The Barbarian

President Trump still uses his unsecured Android phone, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The decision to keep using the old phone was protested by some of his aides, according to the publication.

Before the president's inauguration, The Associated Press reported that Trump had given up his personal cellphone.

He had apparently told a friend before he was sworn in that he had given up the phone at the advice of security agencies.

Trump is known for tweeting personally from his device, an Android smartphone, often posting announcements or attacking his rivals.

After his victory last year, the president expressed concern that he wouldn't be able to continue using his Android cellphone when he assumed office.

The president told the Times on Tuesday the White House has the "most beautiful phones I've ever used in my life."

“The world’s most secure system,” he added. “The words just explode in the air."


Hall of Fame
President Trump still uses his unsecured Android phone, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The decision to keep using the old phone was protested by some of his aides, according to the publication.

Before the president's inauguration, The Associated Press reported that Trump had given up his personal cellphone.

He had apparently told a friend before he was sworn in that he had given up the phone at the advice of security agencies.

Trump is known for tweeting personally from his device, an Android smartphone, often posting announcements or attacking his rivals.

After his victory last year, the president expressed concern that he wouldn't be able to continue using his Android cellphone when he assumed office.

The president told the Times on Tuesday the White House has the "most beautiful phones I've ever used in my life."

“The world’s most secure system,” he added. “The words just explode in the air."

Ah ... the gift that keeps on giving ... to Putin. I wonder how the GOP enablers will react if Trump's private texts and conversations are used as a weapon by Putin and his cronies as they did with the DNC emails ...