World Mag's Lynn Vincent Debates Bob - Pt 2

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World Mag's Lynn Vincent Debates Bob - Pt 2

This is the show from Thursday June 21st, 2007.


* Christian Journalist Won't Admit: Hear the conclusion of Bob Enyart's debate with this pro-life journalist in which Lynn Vincent will not admit that:
1. the Gonzales v. Carhart ruling suggests that abortionists "may find different and less shocking methods to abort the fetus," even though she and Bob were reading those words directly from the ruling itself (p. 30); as she did with her two-page World Magazine article, she apparently insists on presenting a false, positive view of the article while aggressively hiding and even denying all its wicked findings; and Vincent will not admit that,
2. a ruling that authorizes the killing of an innocent person is a bad ruling; and that,
3. the PBA ruling in explicitly stating "the fetus that may become a child," is showing its preference of the term fetus (although not addressed on this particular BEL program, the justices will repress any argument for the personhood of the child, and this phrase helps to that wicked end); and that,
4. she mischaracterized the brutally-wicked PBA ruling by asking if it were an "early mother's day present" for the "unborn" (even though the ruling affirms, "....the removal of a small portion [such as "say, an arm or leg"] of the fetus is not prohibited" (p. 22).

Lynn Vincent's Jason-Blair report on the PBA ruling in World Magazine helps keep Christians in the dark about what this PBA ruling actually does. The article, Speaking our language, is an example of how egregiously misinformed the Christian media is about the tragic PBA ban and ruling.

* Please email: publisher Joel Belz and ask him to please print a retraction of Lynn Vincent's entire inaccurate and misleading article.

Instructions: If you'd like to do this, you can email this entire show summary (including this link:; just highlight the text on the page with your mouse, copy [Ctrl-C], and then paste [Ctrl-P] into the body of your own email, and then copy and paste all the email IDs below into the To: field of your message. Thank you! If World prints a retraction, we will remove this request from our archives, so if you are reading this, that means they have still not corrected the record.,,

* Listen: to Colorado Right to Life's president, Brian Rohrbough, do a radio interview on VCY America's show Crosstalk.

Today's Resource: Have you ordered extra DVDs for your friends and church library of our 40 Years in the Wilderness video? Please help us distribute the extraordinary presentation recorded at the Colorado Right to Life 40 Years in the Wilderness event at the Supreme Court chambers in Colorado's capitol building. Speakers include Alan Keyes, Bob Enyart, Flip Benham, and Judie Brown. This is the most powerful DVD that BEL has ever helped create!
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