World Mag's False Reporting on PBA Ruling

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World Mag's False Reporting on PBA Ruling

This is the show from Thursday June 7th, 2007.

Tom Minnery [from Focus on the Family] wrote this: "In the end Gonzales v. Carhart is just one new road away from abortion and there will have to be others but we will gladly travel this road. And then Steve Curtis inserted a comment: "'We'll gladly travel this road?' Is that the road prescribed in the ruling that says you pull the baby out to its navel and then cut off its legs? Tom, is that the road that you will 'gladly travel?'"


* Blatantly False World Magazine reporting: "...Kennedy's opinion suggests that a slim Court majority will now talk plainly about the real relationship between the two human beings [this is a lie] operated on during an abortion-a mother and an unborn child. In the 39-page opinion Kennedy, joined by justices John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito, repeatedly referred to... a ‘child' rather than a ‘fetus.'" -World, May 12, p. 26

World Magazine has reported the exact opposite of the truth. Since the Christian media has disseminated so much misinformation about this ruling, read the ruling itself, or read this from our widely discussed Open Letter to Dr. James Dobson:

Far from asserting the personhood of the unborn, these Justices have only undermined the child's God-given right to life, and they re-use their old anti-life phrase, "the fetus that may become a child" (p. 15 [that's in the ruling]). And the majority opinion is pleased that Congress did not use the term child, but fetus. In concurring, these Justices note that the Nebraska ban that was struck down described, "a living unborn child" and Congress responded to the court in "material ways" including that it "adopts the phrase ‘delivers a living fetus,' ...instead of ‘delivering... a living unborn child'" (p. 21).

The false quote above from World Magazine's Lynn Vincent misrepresents and the ruling and gets it exactly the opposite of the truth, and her two-page article makes repeated, similarly egregious errors grossly misreporting on Gonzales v. Carhart. Vincent refers to the brutal ruling as "an early Mother's Day gift to... (unborn children)." The Open Letter to Dobson quotes from the ruling itself:

This wicked ruling states it prefers the word "fetus" to "child," and it trivializes the dreadful account (pp. 8-9) of killing a child whose arms and legs are wiggling outside the mother, callously comparing our revulsion to our reaction to any medical procedure, like being squeamish over getting stitches. The Justices quote an abortionist: "For the staff to have to deal with a fetus that has ‘some viability to it, some movement of limbs, [is] always a difficult situation.'" With grave wickedness, the "pro-life Justices" observe (p. 29): "Any number of patients facing imminent surgical procedures would prefer not to hear all details, lest the usual anxiety... become the more intense. This is likely the case with the abortion procedures here in issue." The court, including Roberts and Alito, trivializes the grotesque particulars of causing "the fetus to tear apart" (p. 4) by comparing that to getting queasy by talk of incisions, and the pro-life industry "applauds the court." We should be appalled.

On today's show, you will hear Bob correct World Magazine's extreme errors including that Kennedy displayed no "shakiness," but showed that "he had a change of heart," to the "pro-life side." These are blatant lies. And also, Lynn Vincent forgot to tell her readers that the Justices did not require a health exception BECAUSE THEY PROVIDED MANY WAYS TO KILL THAT SAME CHILD, INCLUDING BY STANDARD PARTIAL-BIRTH ABORTION. (Can anyone tell Bob is angry at pro-lifers for misrepresenting this life-and-death ruling?) Also, World Magazine had the gall to say (it is evident not a single editor or reporter at World Magazine read the ruling they reported on), that Kennedy was attempting to expose the "violence of the [abortion] procedure." This is without a doubt a Jason Blair story only without the subterfuge. It's just openly, blatantly (did we use the word blatantly enough so far), egregiously, falsely reported.

Today's Resource: BEL has a great need for revenue to keep going, and based on the reviews of those who've watched advance copies of the Forty Years in the Wilderness DVD, we're awfully tempted to raise its price! This is the most powerful video that Bob Enyart Live has ever helped produce, and it includes Bob's entire Focus on the Strategy II, the sequel to his popular analysis of Christian political strategy. And it's priced not to produce revenue, but for widespread distribution (3 DVDs for $19.99, 20 DVDs for $99.99). Plus, you will LOVE this DVD, or your money back! So, order the Forty Years in the Wilderness DVD quickly before we jack up the price :)
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