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Hi to all and Rom 8:28 reads , But we know tghat the ones loving God , He is WORKING together ALL THINGS for Good , to the ones being called accornding to ( His ) PURPOSE !!

That is what PANTA means in Greek that God is takying of all the things that happen in the Believers life !!

#1 , The first verb is in the Greek PERFECT TENSE and that is when begins to take care of His sons in the Dispensation of the Grace of God and will contiue until the DEPARTURE of the Bodt of Christ !!

#2 , There are 3 more verbs in the Present tense and 2 are in the ACTIVE VOICE which means it is God the subject that is working out all the DETAILS !!

#3 ,I will say this includes all things and as I said that is what the Greek word PANTA means , all thing concerning Health , problems that any believer is affected to believers in our daily life !!

dan p
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