WND Column: Focus on the Family Faulted

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WND Column: Focus on the Family Faulted

This is the show from Tuesday June 7th, 2011.


* While the Nation Bans Homosexual Marriage: Focus on the Family president Jim Daly ready to throw in the bath towel to stop opposing homosexual marriage. That's Bob Enyart's interpretation of Daly's comments to World Magazine, as reported in an important article by 19-year-old Josh Craddock at WorldNetDaily.com: Have conservatives lost same-sex marriage debate? Craddock writes that Christians have earned "strong victories where defense-of-marriage amendments and legislation have been proposed even in liberal states like California, Delaware and Illinois..." And as shown in the animation to the right, dozens of states have banned homosexual marriage, and click on the chart to see the key (the darker the color the stronger the ban).

Also In the News Today -- American Right To Life:
- In the Huffington Post opposing Mitt Romney
- In Charisma Magazine supporting the Louisiana personhood bill
- and on ChristianNewsWire.com and around the web with their great LA press release!

Today's Resource: Why does God forbid sexual immorality? You'll want the men in your life, husband, brother, teenage sons or grandsons, to watch this important DVD, Morality: Why God Forbids Sexual Immorality. This is Bob's most heart-rending video, telling the sad part of the story of his own life. Learn about the effects of pornography on children, and how porn can pervade a young life, in school, at camp, and sometimes even in little league. And then learn about victory, and how a man can overcome the devastation of sexual immorality.

Frayed Knot

New member
I haven't listened to this episode of the show yet, but from reading the article at Wing Nut Daily, it sounds like everyone agrees that the religious right has lost the battle, now they're just trying to place blame.

The outcome is inevitable - there has been a HUGE shift in public opinion over the last few years (less than ten), and we've just passed the tipping point. This horse has left the barn, and he's not coming back.

In a few more years you won't be able to find anyone who will admit to ever opposing SSM. It will be like interracial marriage is now - "no, I never opposed THAT. Those passages in the Bible have to be interpreted in CONTEXT - they were written for the state of Israel 2500 years ago; they don't apply to modern society."


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I haven't listened to this episode of the show yet, but from reading the article at Wing Nut Daily, it sounds like everyone agrees that the religious right has lost the battle, now they're just trying to place blame.

The outcome is inevitable - there has been a HUGE shift in public opinion over the last few years (less than ten), and we've just passed the tipping point. This horse has left the barn, and he's not coming back.

In a few more years you won't be able to find anyone who will admit to ever opposing SSM. It will be like interracial marriage is now - "no, I never opposed THAT. Those passages in the Bible have to be interpreted in CONTEXT - they were written for the state of Israel 2500 years ago; they don't apply to modern society."
So? :idunno:


New member
Hall of Fame
FOT is right to recognize the truth. Opponents of gay marriage are on the losing side of history. Twenty years from now people will wonder what the big fuss was all about.


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I haven't listened to this episode of the show yet, but from reading the article at Wing Nut Daily, it sounds like everyone agrees that the religious right has lost the battle, now they're just trying to place blame.

The outcome is inevitable - there has been a HUGE shift in public opinion over the last few years (less than ten), and we've just passed the tipping point. This horse has left the barn, and he's not coming back.

In a few more years you won't be able to find anyone who will admit to ever opposing SSM. It will be like interracial marriage is now - "no, I never opposed THAT. Those passages in the Bible have to be interpreted in CONTEXT - they were written for the state of Israel 2500 years ago; they don't apply to modern society."
You completely missed the point. The statistics show that public opinion is swinging in our favor. Get a closer look at the GIF in the OP here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Marriage_amendment_animation.gif

It's Focus on the Family that is out of the mainstream of public opinion on this issue, not the Christian right.


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This is a better way to look at the data: as opposed to what state legislatures do under pressure from a vocal minority on the right it's important to look at what the public actually thinks about this issue. Couple that with the greater tolerance of gay marriage you see in the so called Millenial Generation and I can't help but think that another two decades or so will see this becoming less and less a concern--except for an increasingly shrill minority that lost out on this issue a long time ago.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
FOT is right to recognize the truth. Opponents of gay marriage are on the losing side of history. Twenty years from now people will wonder what the big fuss was all about.
The theory of evolution is an opponent of homo-marriage. :chuckle:

Frayed Knot

New member
You completely missed the point. The statistics show that public opinion is swinging in our favor. Get a closer look at the GIF in the OP here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Marriage_amendment_animation.gif

That graph doesn't measure what's important: public opinion. It indicates the level of desperation of the religious right.

On the other hand, it's OK with me if you RR types loudly oppose SSM. It will just marginalize you that much quicker. In a few years you'll be looked upon exactly as society now looks upon people who opposed interracial marriage 60 years ago.

The theory of evolution is an opponent of homo-marriage. :chuckle:
Stripe again demonstrates his misunderstanding of science. Keep it up, my man! Make yourself look foolish.


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On the other hand, it's OK with me if you RR types loudly oppose SSM. It will just marginalize you that much quicker. In a few years you'll be looked upon exactly as society now looks upon people who opposed interracial marriage 60 years ago.
That statement assumes we worship the false god of Public Acceptance. We do not. You got that assumption (correctly I might add) from observing the compromises of Christian groups like Focus on the Family who cower in fear at the feet of their lord and masters in the national liberal media as they kneel before them in worship, begging to be accepted by them.


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That statement assumes we worship the false god of Public Acceptance. We do not. You got that assumption (correctly I might add) from observing the compromises of Christian groups like Focus on the Family who cower in fear at the feet of their lord and masters in the national liberal media as they kneel before them in worship, begging to be accepted by them.

I wonder if Enyart's weird fixation on Focus isn't some kind of envy directed at an organization that gets the attention he obviously wants and has never gotten.

And again: the tide's turning, and turning permanently. You guys lost. Move on.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I wonder if Enyart's weird fixation on Focus...

Why aren't you focused on people that claim to be pro-life, yet actively support abortion measures?

Why are you focused on the invisible man in the sky that doesn't exist? Move on.

Frayed Knot

New member
Why aren't you focused on people that claim to be pro-life, yet actively support abortion measures?

I'm not Granite, but I have some thoughts here. First, the topic of abortion is not that interesting to me. I usually skip the parts of Pastor Bob's shows where he drones about abortion. A first-trimester abortion is not immoral at all. In the second and third, there are moral questions that arise, but most abortions are early in the pregnancy.

I guess the question that you anti-abortion folks have to address is what's the best way for you to fight it. Some groups hope to get their foot in the door with legislation that they're not ultimately happy with, and hope to further the restrictions when they get the political chance. Pastor Bob and his kind think that anything short of their ultimate goal of eliminating all abortion is unacceptable. I don't have a horse in that race, but as an outsider I can point out that the long-term goal for all of you is the same; you're just disagreeing on what path can actually get you there.

Why are you focused on the invisible man in the sky that doesn't exist? Move on.
It's not your invisible friend that concerns me, it's what you do in the real world as a result of your belief in an invisible friend.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I'm not Granite, but I have some thoughts here. First, the topic of abortion is not that interesting to me. I usually skip the parts of Pastor Bob's shows where he drones about abortion.

Sounds about like how some Americans turned their back when the original GOP would drone over owning other human beings.

A first-trimester abortion is not immoral at all. In the second and third, there are moral questions that arise...

How do you draw that conclusion?

Pastor Bob and his kind think that anything short of their ultimate goal of eliminating all abortion is unacceptable.

Knowing that it is murder, why is his position wrong? You think it is ok to murder some people? Like a retarded person, or a person with a severe handicap? The Nazi's agree with you on this one.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I wonder if Enyart's weird fixation on Focus isn't some kind of envy directed at an organization that gets the attention he obviously wants and has never gotten.

And again: the tide's turning, and turning permanently. You guys lost. Move on.

You completely missed the point. The statistics show that public opinion is swinging in our favor. Get a closer look at the GIF in the OP here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Marriage_amendment_animation.gif It's Focus on the Family that is out of the mainstream of public opinion on this issue, not the Christian right.

And I wonder if Granite's weird fixation on Pastor Enyart is some kind of perverted, hypocritical nonsense. It'd be in perfect synch with everything else about him.

Stripe again demonstrates his misunderstanding of science. Keep it up, my man! Make yourself look foolish.

:idunno: Evolution is about natural selection of those more likely to reproduce. There's only one means I know of by which homos produce more homos. :vomit:

Frayed Knot

New member
A first-trimester abortion is not immoral at all. In the second and third, there are moral questions that arise...
How do you draw that conclusion?

The moral question of whether it's OK to end a life has to do with the individual and his sense of self, his consciousness. It also depends on the others who feel connected to that life. This doesn't just apply to humans either.

I don't feel I've done wrong if I smash an ant, because its consciousness is not at a level that concerns me. A first-trimester abortion, similarly, is killing something that does not have a consciousness - probably even less than that of an ant.

Evolution is about natural selection of those more likely to reproduce. There's only one means I know of by which homos produce more homos.
By saying that the Theory of Evolution is opposed to SSM, you were taking an observation of what *is* and jumping to a conclusion of what ought to be. The story of how evolution shaped life on Earth is full of suffering and cruelty. That's how it *is*. That doesn't tell us how we should act. Science doesn't do that.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
By saying that the Theory of Evolution is opposed to SSM, you were taking an observation of what *is* and jumping to a conclusion of what ought to be.
Where? The theory of evolution requires an ad hoc reason to explain the prevalence of homosexuality. Where exactly did I say that because evolution works against homos that homos shouldn't be allowed to marry?! The truth is - I said no such thing! Heck, I do all I can to ridicule and belittle evolution for the trash it is and now you're accusing me of using it to support something? Man you atheists are weird. :chuckle:

The story of how evolution shaped life on Earth is full of suffering and cruelty. That's how it *is*. That doesn't tell us how we should act. Science doesn't do that.

What are you ranting about?


New member
I haven't listened to this episode of the show yet, but from reading the article at Wing Nut Daily, it sounds like everyone agrees that the religious right has lost the battle, now they're just trying to place blame.

The outcome is inevitable - there has been a HUGE shift in public opinion over the last few years (less than ten), and we've just passed the tipping point. This horse has left the barn, and he's not coming back.

In a few more years you won't be able to find anyone who will admit to ever opposing SSM. It will be like interracial marriage is now - "no, I never opposed THAT. "

Homosexuality has always been a sin, is still a sin, and will always remain a sin. Therefore I oppose same sex marriages.6/15/2011

I oppose same sex marriages 6/15/2014

I oppose same sex marriages 6/15 2024

I oppose same sex marriages 6/15/ 200000000000000000000...................................11


New member
Todah, you may want to copy the text of this web page. It should come in handy for you around 2024 - you can keep most of the ideas and just change a few words here and there.

You are trying to equate racism with the distaste of homosexuality. It simply does not compute. It is called conflation.

Homosexuality is a sin, just as adultery is a sin. They are both particularly distatseful sexual sins.

Just because some people stretched the meaning of Bible verses to fit their instilled fear of other races, does not equate with people reading the Bible and knowing that homosexuality is a sin.

Opposing so called mixed marriages was a conclusion erroneously derived from "studying" the Bible. Saying that a man shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female, it is an abomination. Is stating what the Bible says. It is not a conclusion.

Read all of Leviticus chapter 18, please. I read your article.

It states which intercourse is sinful, and which marriages and consummations are forbidden. You are promoting homosexual marriage.

All of these things stated in Lev: 18, were common practices in the land of Canaan before the Israelites arrived. God destroyed them because of these practices.

Because I am not an atheist as you are, and I believe the Bible is the eternal word of God. I will still oppose homosexual marriage until 2024 and the end of this world.

In the age to come there will no longer be a distinction between male and female, Jew or Gentile, slave or free. Then there will be no need of marriage, for we will all be one, or married to each other in essence.

As an atheist all of this is irrelevant to you. What matters is what you see as right or wrong, you have no objective basis for righteousness??? You do not see anything wrong with homosexuals getting married, and you accept the propaganda that this is the same and a continuation of the civil rights movement in America?

If so, you have been conned. This is not a civil rights issue.It is a sin issue, and a God issue. It is beyond your realm, as an atheist
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