Will American scientists threaten to commit murder?


Well-known member
Apparently so. If Americans do not support the leftist narratives backed by biased leftist researchers then some of those biased leftist researchers will resort to death threats against those not going along with the group-think propagandist narratives. These people are not Bible-believing Christians seeking to please God but are instead murderers who are subject to motivation from the prince of murderers, the devil.

Former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield says he received death threats from fellow scientists after saying he suspected that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus originated in a Wuhan laboratory.
Redfield told Vanity Fair in an interview published on June 3 that he received a significant amount of backlash after he told CNN earlier this year that he’s a proponent of the theory the virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, contradicting the official narrative espoused by the CCP.
Saying he was “threatened and ostracized because I proposed another hypothesis,” Redfield told the magazine that he “expected it from politicians. I didn’t expect it from science.”
Redfield noted that some death threats came from individuals who thought he was being racially insensitive, but other threats came from prominent scientists, whom he didn’t name.


Well-known member
First, let's be clear about the Epoch Times - it is not a reputable source. Just look at this from the article you refer us to:

Former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield says he received death threats from fellow scientists after saying he suspected that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus originated in a Wuhan laboratory.

This way of referring to the coronavirus is transparent politicking. It is so obvious that only the truly beef-witted will not realize that they are being manipulated.

But, sadly, there are some very, very dumb people out there.

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Greatest poster ever


Well-known member
Apparently so. If Americans do not support the leftist narratives backed by biased leftist researchers then some of those biased leftist researchers will resort to death threats against those not going along with the group-think propagandist narratives. These people are not Bible-believing Christians seeking to please God but are instead murderers who are subject to motivation from the prince of murderers, the devil.
Here you do not directly mislead. But it really has to be asked exactly how many is this "some" that are making these threats. If it is 2 out of 100,000, then this is to be expected. Although the American right has clearly the lion's share of nutcases right now, there are some on the left.

Your argument here is like me saying there are some evangelicals who sodomize children. Yes, this is true, but it is not really a fair characterization since, presumably, the number of such deviants is (hopefully) very small indeed.

And do you really think this hyperbolic "prince of murderers" stuff really convinces anyone who has not already bought into this absurdly simplistic worldview to which you subscribe?


Well-known member
So what!?
So what? You guys seem to almost invite the fusillade of punches you have taken. The sources you guys use are often exceedingly dubious.

Now then, I expect the reply will be something along the lines of "the mainstream media is biased". Well, let's unpack this, shall we?

When you guys criticize the mainstream media, your remarks are generally long on sermonizing and demonizing language and short on specific examples of demonstrated bias.

When we, on the other hand, write posts about the right-wing sites you guys use, the criticisms are generally supported by actual evidence of untruth.

For example, Gateway Pundit: Here is a specific instance of their irresponsible reporting:

Regarding voter fraud, The Gateway Pundit published an unsubstantiated report during the 2016 presidential election from the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm, claiming that Republicans had accused Broward County, Florida officials of tampering with mail-in ballots

Gary K

New member
This is the wrong question. Will US scientists commit murder is the real question. And the answer to that is a resounding yes. US scientists worked on the gain of function in the coronavirus at UNC before the entire project was shipped to Wuhan. So, they are just as responsible for the coronavirus as Chinese scientists, and Fauci funded it all.

That Fauci funded this was known close to a year ago. This is really old news just released to attract people's attention while some other evil is taking place while everyone is looking at this bauble. It's the centuries old play of the shell game.


Well-known member
Here you do not directly mislead. But it really has to be asked exactly how many is this "some" that are making these threats. If it is 2 out of 100,000, then this is to be expected. Although the American right has clearly the lion's share of nutcases right now, there are some on the left.

Your argument here is like me saying there are some evangelicals who sodomize children. Yes, this is true, but it is not really a fair characterization since, presumably, the number of such deviants is (hopefully) very small indeed.

And do you really think this hyperbolic "prince of murderers" stuff really convinces anyone who has not already bought into this absurdly simplistic worldview to which you subscribe?
The problem we face in the US is that leftist media regularly quote these bad scientists with murderous bad attitudes as the only experts worth listening to when these morons should be the last scientists we should be listening to.


Well-known member
So what? You guys seem to almost invite the fusillade of punches you have taken. The sources you guys use are often exceedingly dubious.

Now then, I expect the reply will be something along the lines of "the mainstream media is biased". Well, let's unpack this, shall we?

When you guys criticize the mainstream media, your remarks are generally long on sermonizing and demonizing language and short on specific examples of demonstrated bias.

When we, on the other hand, write posts about the right-wing sites you guys use, the criticisms are generally supported by actual evidence of untruth.

For example, Gateway Pundit: Here is a specific instance of their irresponsible reporting:

Regarding voter fraud, The Gateway Pundit published an unsubstantiated report during the 2016 presidential election from the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm, claiming that Republicans had accused Broward County, Florida officials of tampering with mail-in ballots
The Epoch Times reported the coronavirus connection to the Wuhan lab while the majority of leftist media spokespersons insisted there was no connection. Yet morons on the left ridicule the Epoch Times while honoring the lying leftists in major leftist news organizations.

Gary K

New member
The Epoch Times reported the coronavirus connection to the Wuhan lab while the majority of leftist media spokespersons insisted there was no connection. Yet morons on the left ridicule the Epoch Times while honoring the lying leftists in major leftist news organizations.
That has been their modus operandi for decades. The NYT was doing this about 90 years ago and the rest of the media on both sides of the pond were cheering it on. Yeah, the BBC, that "premier" news agency in the UK was one of the loudest in the cheering section as the NYT was reporting nothing but lies.