WikiLeaks released 600,000+ Documents

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


We have published over 600,000 documented related to Putin or Russia. See for yourself:


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Twitter users erupt: #DNCLeaks disappears from trending news as WikiLeaks emails released
Critics see censorship of a controversy that put Democrats in a negative light

Conservative Twitter users erupted on Friday after the social media platform torpedoed #DNCLeaks from its trending-news feed after Wikileaks released 20,000 emails by Democratic National Committee staff members.

Embarrassing emails sent and received by DNC members had enough momentum to propel the story to Twitter’s top “trending” news feed on Friday afternoon. The #DNCLeaks entry vanished in the evening, but returned 20 minutes later after users cried foul.

The story had 250,000 tweets at the time it was pulled. The Washington Examiner then aggregated the stream of angry feedback by conservatives.

“Don’t normally tweet political things, but why would @twitter pull the #DNCleaks from trending at #1. Sounds like censorship to me,” one user wrote.

“Twitter is still trying to censor this trend! Now #DNCleak is trending instead of original #DNCLeaks! Keep talking guys, expose corruption,” added another.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Nothing is candid when dealing with the left.

DNC chair won't speak at Dem convention following Wikileaks fallout

(CNN)The head of the Democratic National Committee will not speak at the party's convention next week, a decision reached by party officials Saturday after emails surfaced that raised questions about the committee's impartiality during the Democratic primary.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, whose stewardship of the DNC has been under fire through most of the presidential primary process, will not have a major speaking role in an effort "to keep the peace" in the party, a Democrat familiar with the decision said. The revelation comes following the release of nearly 20,000 emails

One email appears to show DNC staffers asking how they can reference Bernie Sanders' faith to weaken him in the eyes of Southern voters. Another seems to depict an attorney advising the committee on how to defend Hillary Clinton against an accusation by the Sanders campaign of not living up to a joint fundraising agreement.

Wasserman Schultz is expected to gavel the convention in and out, but not speak in the wake of the controversy surrounding the leaked emails, a top Democrat said.

"She's been quarantined," another top Democrat said, following a meeting Saturday night.

This is seen as a concession to Sanders, who has been furious at Wasserman Schultz for what he believed was favoritism to Clinton.

The Democrat familiar with the decision said it was done in hopes of preventing chaos on the convention floor among Sanders supporters.

The decision was blessed by Clinton and Sanders officials, this Democrat said