Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread: one of the many goals of your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement is to legalize sex with children, and it's getting closer and closer to becoming reality.

My rhetorical question was to show why it could not ever become a reality. :duh:

As I'd discussed with your homosexualist ally Art Brain throughout this 3 part thread, sexual anarchists have made great strides when it comes to taking away parental rights.

1). Abortions can be obtained without parental consent.

2. Birth control pills can be obtained without parental consent.

3). Children are subjected to all kinds of perversion at 'gay pride parades' (usually taken there by a moral degenerate relative), etc. etc. etc.

Tell your buddies in Provincetown not to lick their disease ridden chops just yet GFR7, as there is one huge obstacle that stands between perverts and innocent children:

People like me.


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
Tell your buddies in Provincetown not to lick their disease ridden chops just yet GFR7, as there is one huge obstacle that stands between perverts and innocent children:

People like me.
I don't have any buddies there. :nono:

Anyway, there is an army of liberal feminist social workers, advocates, and educators who have made a huge, vast industry of "protecting minors form adult sex" - where have you been the past 30 years?

THEY are the ones who will prevent this from happening:
With support from the myriad of laws and criminal statutes prosecuting
adults who take sexual advantage of minors (with severer penalties for cases where youth are under the ages of 14 or 15,
and especially minors under the age of 12).

The work these people and legal experts did will prevent this; not YOU.

You have not even been able to stop the gay agenda at any point.

aCW is a legend in his own mind; so full of self-importance

I mean, really: :think: Seriously? :

"Tell your buddies in Provincetown not to lick their disease ridden chops just yet GFR7,
as there is one huge obstacle that stands between perverts and innocent children:
People like me."
:rotfl: :rotfl:

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New member
I've no friends to recommend in Provincetown;
you might make plenty at special events, aCW:
Like the one below? :think:



If you go up to Provincetown on Cape Cod, aCW (called "P-Town" by the regulars), there is a bar on Masonic Place
called the Atlantic House (gays call it the A-House now) where Tennesse Williams was a frequent patron the summers he
wrote some of his major plays........

You may meet friends there, too, I wager :think:


And they may have events to accomodate your own brand of conflicted psychology: :think:

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Now that the lisper has had his say, let's see what his baby murdering-sodomite loving-defender of Islam President has to say about Christianity:

Obama Defends Islam, Attacks Christianity at Prayer Breakfast

Feb. 5, 2015

When it comes to Islam, Obama is like the weather in Seattle. There are no surprises. If there’s a national prayer breakfast, then he’s going to slam Christianity and defend Islam

But we also see faith being twisted and distorted, used as a wedge — or, worse, sometimes used as a weapon. From a school in Pakistan to the streets of Paris, we have seen violence and terror perpetrated by those who profess to stand up for faith, their faith, professed to stand up for Islam, but, in fact, are betraying it. We see ISIL, a brutal, vicious death cult that, in the name of religion, carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism — terrorizing religious minorities like the Yezidis, subjecting women to rape as a weapon of war, and claiming the mantle of religious authority for such actions.

We see sectarian war in Syria, the murder of Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, religious war in the Central African Republic, a rising tide of anti-Semitism and hate crimes in Europe, so often perpetrated in the name of religion…

Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ. Michelle and I returned from India — an incredible, beautiful country, full of magnificent diversity — but a place where, in past years, religious faiths of all types have, on occasion, been targeted by other peoples of faith, simply due to their heritage and their beliefs — acts of intolerance that would have shocked Gandhiji, the person who helped to liberate that nation.

They’re not perpetrated in the name of religion, generic, but in the name of Islam.

Obama has to throw in slavery and attack Hindus in India, but he still can’t come up with anything happening today on the scale of Islamic genocidal violence and conflicts with non-Muslims.

There simply isn’t anything like it.

While Obama defends Islam, he attacks Christianity. He has to do this because it’s the only way to uphold the myth that Islam is peaceful. He can’t defend Islam. He can just deny, redirect and attack another religion.

B. Hussein Obama should have given that speech at his local mosque, not at the National Prayer Breakfast.



New member
Obama is on the way out - it will come to naught.

But aCW, do you think she's pretty? :think:

Especially her hands? Remember when you said you like women with large hands and feet? :think:



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread: one of the many goals of your LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement is to legalize sex with children, and it's getting closer and closer to becoming reality.

As I'd discussed with your homosexualist ally Art Brain throughout this 3 part thread, sexual anarchists have made great strides when it comes to taking away parental rights.

1). Abortions can be obtained without parental consent.

2. Birth control pills can be obtained without parental consent.

3). Children are subjected to all kinds of perversion at 'gay pride parades' (usually taken there by a moral degenerate relative), etc. etc. etc.

Tell your buddies in Provincetown not to lick their disease ridden chops just yet GFR7, as there is one huge obstacle that stands between perverts and innocent children:

People like me.

I don't have any buddies there. :nono:

(They're all dead from AIDS).

Anyway, there is an army of liberal feminist social workers, advocates, and educators who have made a huge, vast industry of "protecting minors form adult sex" - where have you been the past 30 years?

THEY are the ones who will prevent this from happening:
With support from the myriad of laws and criminal statutes prosecuting
adults who take sexual advantage of minors (with severer penalties for cases where youth are under the ages of 14 or 15,
and especially minors under the age of 12).

The work these people and legal experts did will prevent this; not YOU.

You have not even been able to stop the gay agenda at any point.

aCW is a legend in his own mind; so full of self-importance

I mean, really: :think: Seriously? :

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Anyway, there is an army of liberal feminist social workers, advocates, and educators who have made a huge, vast industry of "protecting minors form adult sex" - where have you been the past 30 years?

THEY are the ones who will prevent this from happening:
With support from the myriad of laws and criminal statutes prosecuting adults who take sexual advantage of minors (with severer penalties for cases where youth are under the ages of 14 or 15,
and especially minors under the age of 12).

The work these people and legal experts did will prevent this; not YOU.

I had to see those words twice to make certain that I was reading it correctly.

Are you off your meds again GFR7?




New member
Yes, I have always said I was against the whole LGBTQ pushing their agenda in the schools. I posted a thread about UK's Labour pushing this now on 5 year olds, and no one responded. :idunno:


I think it's very bad indeed. :nono:

Notwithstanding: You cannot deny sexual acts with minors (especially 14 and under) is now prosecuted severely in the US - the criminal statutes are clear. How would this change?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hold that thought Al as GFR7 (who tried so very hard to play both sides) is going to come back with whether he thinks those who engage in homosexual behavior are born that way or not.

Perhaps this can be settled by telling us when you actually made a conscious choice to "decide" on your orientation?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Hold that thought Al as GFR7 (who tried so very hard to play both sides) is going to come back with whether he thinks those who engage in homosexual behavior are born that way or not.

Perhaps this can be settled by telling us when you actually made a conscious choice to "decide" on your orientation?


Welcome back (again) Art. GFR7's boycott lasted longer than yours.

As I've shown numerous times throughout the thread: Often times children you have been sexually molested or have been raised in a disfunctional household turn to homosexuality.

Being that I wasn't exposed to either, my sexual interests are what God designed for human sexuality.

Your turn Art. At what age did you first start defending homosexuality on internet websites?


Yes, I have always said I was against the whole LGBTQ pushing their agenda in the schools. I posted a thread about UK's Labour pushing this now on 5 year olds, and no one responded. :idunno:
I think it's very bad indeed. :nono:

But but but there is an army of liberal feminists social workers, advocates and educators who have made a huge, vast industry of "protecting minors form adult sex" - where have you been the past 30 years?

Notwithstanding: You cannot deny sexual acts with minors (especially 14 and under) is now prosecuted severely in the US - the criminal statutes are clear. How would this change?

As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread and recently in a post where I linked an article by Selwyn Duke talking about pedophilia, those prosecutions are very inconsistent.


I'm afraid that you misunderstood me when I said that people like me stand between innocent children and perverts:

Dads are very protective of their children (tell your friends to keep their filthy hands off of our kids).



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Welcome back (again) Art. GFR7's boycott lasted longer than yours.

Oh I don't boycott your thread doofus. I just wade in as and when I feel like it, you should know that by now...

As I've shown numerous times throughout the thread: Often times children you have been sexually molested or have been raised in a disfunctional household turn to homosexuality.

Being that I wasn't exposed to either, my sexual interests are what God designed for human sexuality.

Ah, so you're saying that were you exposed to anything like the above you could have chosen to be homosexual and didn't in fact choose at any point to like the opposite sex because you weren't? What of all the homosexuals who haven't been exposed to such either or is that just too much of a disconnect for you to even entertain?

Your turn Art. At what age did you first start defending homosexuality on internet websites?

Well you've still not really answered my own question but if by 'defending' you mean from persecution by those who would see such killed then around 2006 on here. Ironically you would also fit under the same category as as whacked out as you are you don't actually support the DP for homosexuality right? To other people you'd count as a "homosexualist" for not going far enough in your crusade...

Irony, gotta love it sometimes...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back (again) Art. GFR7's boycott lasted longer than yours.

Oh I don't boycott your thread doofus. I just wade in as and when I feel like it, you should know that by now...

Oh, I must have misunderstood this post then:

Dear everyone,

Kindly stop arguing in this magnificent blog thread.

Sorry, I meant to say malignant thread blog.

Thanks for wading in to my little ole malignant thread blog again Art.

As I've shown numerous times throughout the thread: Often times children you have been sexually molested or have been raised in a disfunctional household turn to homosexuality.

Being that I wasn't exposed to either, my sexual interests are what God designed for human sexuality.

Ah, so you're saying that were you exposed to anything like the above you could have chosen to be homosexual and didn't in fact choose at any point to like the opposite sex because you weren't? What of all the homosexuals who haven't been exposed to such either or is that just too much of a disconnect for you to even entertain?

Case in point: Part 3's most important thread showing what happened to an innocent little boy:

and what he's become because of it:

Your turn Art. At what age did you first start defending homosexuality on internet websites?

Well you've still not really answered my own question but if by 'defending' you mean from persecution by those who would see such killed then around 2006 on here. Ironically you would also fit under the same category as as whacked out as you are you don't actually support the DP for homosexuality right? To other people you'd count as a "homosexualist" for not going far enough in your crusade...

Irony, gotta love it sometimes...

(Sigh, I really did miss Art Brain's drama queen rants while he was away).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh, I must have misunderstood this post then:


Thanks for wading in to my little ole malignant thread blog again Art.

I say sirrah, one was merely trying to avoid deflecting traffic away from one's so ultra commendable purpose in originating this skidding tyre tread - thread.

Case in point: Part 3's most important thread showing what happened to an innocent little boy:

and what he's become because of it:

Mmmm, still not answering the question put to you but no real surprise there again...

(Sigh, I really did miss Art Brain's drama queen rants while he was away).

Aw, now no need to 'shoot the messenger' aCW. You know fine well that certain elements here think you're far too soft on your position regarding homosexuals...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Oh, I must have misunderstood this post then:

Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
Dear everyone,

Kindly stop arguing in this magnificent blog thread.

Sorry, I meant to say malignant thread blog.

Thanks for wading in to my little ole malignant thread blog again Art.

I say sirrah, one was merely trying to avoid deflecting traffic away from one's so ultra commendable purpose in originating this skidding tyre tread - thread.

Dear everyone: I think the truth about the behavior that Art Brain ardently defends (and adamantly denies partaking in) got to him when I posted this in another thread:


Case in point: Part 3's most important thread showing what happened to an innocent little boy:

and what he's become because of it:

Mmmm, still not answering the question put to you but no real surprise there again...

I thought maybe that information could help you with your sexual confusion Art.

(Sigh, I really did miss Art Brain's drama queen rants while he was away).

Aw, now no need to 'shoot the messenger' aCW. You know fine well that certain elements here think you're far too soft on your position regarding homosexuals...

Then you should thank your lucky stars for people like me who understand Holy Scripture when it comes to the punishment phase regarding homosexuality (I'm not here to kill you Art, I'm here to help you).


As usual with aCW, the few people who are to the "right" of him are heartless scumbags who have no compassion, and the many people who are to the "left" of him are heartless scumbags who want chaos and the undermining of society.

Now Jr., just because I don't approve of you belonging to a cult full of fags, baby murderers, pornographers (kiddy porn included) and drug addicts and pushers, doesn't mean that I think that all people belong to your cult.

By the way Jr., I've been meaning to ask you:

What happened in your life that lead the son of an (alleged) Christian pastor to take up with a cult full of fags, baby murderers, pornographers (kiddy porn included) and drug addicts and pushers?


New member
There is one thing that I remember from my early childhood barbarian:

That my sister was never meant to be my girlfriend.

One would think that at your age you'd know that as well.
So perhaps you also have to struggle with incest too aCW, not just in choosing your own sexual orientation?
Another thing on which you can apparently consciously choose and must reject?
No wonder you're so bitter an twisted.
Daddy used to be around to tell you what was wrong and wicked and made sure you didn't stray.
Without daddy you have to keep on and on reminding yourself about what exactly is wrong and unhealthy that you must resist, lest you drift into any bad ways? :shocked:
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