Why Calvinism, Catholicism, Religion, Cannot Justify and Reconcile You Unto God

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There is no reconciling value in any religion. Calvinism completely by passes the Gospel and declares that the elect have been predestinated to salvation. No Gospel or Jesus Christ needed. They have gone from sinners to saints by a declaration from God. Jesus had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with it and some how they believe that they are Christians.

Catholics think that the Gospel is. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They see Jesus as their role model and not their savior. Catholics believe that if you do good works and join the Catholic church you will be saved. This is the devils lie that will take multitudes to hell.

No one will see heaven that has not been justified and reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ. Jesus is God's great justifier and reconciler.

"To declare, I say, at this time HIS righteousness: that he might be just and the JUSTIFIER of him which believes in Jesus" Romans 3:26

Jesus justifies ungodly sinners, Romans 4:5 and reconciles them unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. No Calvinism, Catholicism or religion needed. All that these religions do is cloud the Gospel so that people cannot see and believe in Jesus and his Gospel.

Before we are reconciled unto God we must be justified. How does Jesus justify us? Jesus justifies us by doing for us that which we cannot do for ourselves because we are sinners. Jesus, in our name and on our behalf, offers to God the Father a life of perfect obedience according to God's Holy Law. This is very important to believe because it frees you from the law. Jesus was good enough for us.

The fulfilling of the law was not enough, something had to be done about our sins and the sins of the whole world. Jesus, in our name and on our behalf takes upon himself our sins and the sins of the whole world and atones for them, 2 Corinthians 5:21, also 1 John 2:2.

Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we have been justified. God now sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ" and reconciles us to himself.

"And you that were sometimes alienated in your mind by wicked works, yet now has he RECONCILED in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight" Colossians 1:21-22.

God sees us "In Christ" as holy and unreprovable in his sight. Totally and completely justified and reconciled unto God. No religion needed.


Well-known member
There is no reconciling value in any religion. Calvinism completely by passes the Gospel and declares that the elect have been predestinated to salvation. No Gospel or Jesus Christ needed. They have gone from sinners to saints by a declaration from God. Jesus had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with it and some how they believe that they are Christians.

Catholics think that the Gospel is. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They see Jesus as their role model and not their savior. Catholics believe that if you do good works and join the Catholic church you will be saved. This is the devils lie that will take multitudes to hell.

No one will see heaven that has not been justified and reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ. Jesus is God's great justifier and reconciler.

"To declare, I say, at this time HIS righteousness: that he might be just and the JUSTIFIER of him which believes in Jesus" Romans 3:26

Jesus justifies ungodly sinners, Romans 4:5 and reconciles them unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. No Calvinism, Catholicism or religion needed. All that these religions do is cloud the Gospel so that people cannot see and believe in Jesus and his Gospel.

Before we are reconciled unto God we must be justified. How does Jesus justify us? Jesus justifies us by doing for us that which we cannot do for ourselves because we are sinners. Jesus, in our name and on our behalf, offers to God the Father a life of perfect obedience according to God's Holy Law. This is very important to believe because it frees you from the law. Jesus was good enough for us.

The fulfilling of the law was not enough, something had to be done about our sins and the sins of the whole world. Jesus, in our name and on our behalf takes upon himself our sins and the sins of the whole world and atones for them, 2 Corinthians 5:21, also 1 John 2:2.

Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we have been justified. God now sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ" and reconciles us to himself.

"And you that were sometimes alienated in your mind by wicked works, yet now has he RECONCILED in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight" Colossians 1:21-22.

God sees us "In Christ" as holy and unreprovable in his sight. Totally and completely justified and reconciled unto God. No religion needed.

You teach that sinners Christ died for and reconciled to God, still wind up lost in their sins anyways!


New member
There is no reconciling value in any religion.

Hey Robert,

If Christianity isn't a religion...then what is it?

Calvinism completely by passes the Gospel and declares that the elect have been predestinated to salvation. No Gospel or Jesus Christ needed. They have gone from sinners to saints by a declaration from God. Jesus had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with it and some how they believe that they are Christians.

I don't know about all of that...but I suspect you are very wrong because......

Catholics think that the Gospel is. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

....this is a lie.....

They see Jesus as their role model and not their savior.

.....this is a lie.......

Catholics believe that if you do good works and join the Catholic church you will be saved.

....this is a lie.......

This is the devils lie that will take multitudes to hell.

.....and this is a lie.

No one will see heaven that has not been justified and reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ. Jesus is God's great justifier and reconciler.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church page 885 Justification is: "The gracious action of God which frees us from sin and communicates "the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ" (Rom. 3:22)."

"To declare, I say, at this time HIS righteousness: that he might be just and the JUSTIFIER of him which believes in Jesus" Romans 3:26

Jesus justifies ungodly sinners, Romans 4:5 and reconciles them unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. No Calvinism, Catholicism or religion needed. All that these religions do is cloud the Gospel so that people cannot see and believe in Jesus and his Gospel.

Before we are reconciled unto God we must be justified. How does Jesus justify us? Jesus justifies us by doing for us that which we cannot do for ourselves because we are sinners. Jesus, in our name and on our behalf, offers to God the Father a life of perfect obedience according to God's Holy Law. This is very important to believe because it frees you from the law. Jesus was good enough for us.

The fulfilling of the law was not enough, something had to be done about our sins and the sins of the whole world. Jesus, in our name and on our behalf takes upon himself our sins and the sins of the whole world and atones for them, 2 Corinthians 5:21, also 1 John 2:2.

Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we have been justified. God now sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ" and reconciles us to himself.

"And you that were sometimes alienated in your mind by wicked works, yet now has he RECONCILED in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight" Colossians 1:21-22.


God sees us "In Christ" as holy and unreprovable in his sight. Totally and completely justified and reconciled unto God.

Remember awhile back you said that Catholics and a bunch of others never talk about being "in Christ"?

But then you refused to talk to me anymore when I noted to you that the Catechism of the Catholic Church devotes over 200 pages to the idea in Part Three: Life In Christ?

Well, you are just as wrong now as you were then.

You should be ashamed of yourself because you pretend to know what different belief systems teach and you try to convey that to others.

But you are conveying lies.

You do not even know what the other systems really teach and you prove that all of the time with your ignorant comments. You really should study a little more and get your facts straight.

Your ignorance of Catholic teaching is obvious.

Because of this, I suspect your thoughts on Calvinism are equally false.

I'm glad you are passionate for Jesus Christ but you are shooting yourself in the foot and ruining your credibility every time you post ideas that are not true.

Why not study a bit more and get the facts straight?

No religion needed.

(Sigh), here is another couple of questions that I am fairly certain you will ignore but I will ask them anyway:

1. "No religion needed." Where does the Bible say that again?

2. If Christianity isn't a religion, what is it?


Robert Pate

Well-known member
Catholicism is a man conceived, man centered religion. It is not only man conceived, it is anti-Gospel and anti-Christ. It is all bout you who is a sinner, trying to make himself acceptable to God through the works of the law. Bad news for you because God does not accept the works or the obedience of sinners. God only accepts the works and the obedience of Jesus Christ, we are accepted only in him. I suspect that you are going to be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we..." Matthew 7:21-23 group in the judgment.


Well-known member

Catholicism is a man conceived, man centered religion.

And pateism is its offspring. Sure a little more disguised with all the talk of Salvation being by Christ alone, but yet its the same garbage, because pateism finally sticks in a condition, a requirement, something the sinner must do, which completely nullifies Salvation by Christ alone !


Active member
Hey Robert,

If Christianity isn't a religion...then what is it?

I don't know about all of that...but I suspect you are very wrong because......

....this is a lie.....

.....this is a lie.......

....this is a lie.......

.....and this is a lie.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church page 885 Justification is: "The gracious action of God which frees us from sin and communicates "the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ" (Rom. 3:22)."


Remember awhile back you said that Catholics and a bunch of others never talk about being "in Christ"?

But then you refused to talk to me anymore when I noted to you that the Catechism of the Catholic Church devotes over 200 pages to the idea in Part Three: Life In Christ?

Well, you are just as wrong now as you were then.

You should be ashamed of yourself because you pretend to know what different belief systems teach and you try to convey that to others.

But you are conveying lies.

You do not even know what the other systems really teach and you prove that all of the time with your ignorant comments. You really should study a little more and get your facts straight.

Your ignorance of Catholic teaching is obvious.

Because of this, I suspect your thoughts on Calvinism are equally false.

I'm glad you are passionate for Jesus Christ but you are shooting yourself in the foot and ruining your credibility every time you post ideas that are not true.

Why not study a bit more and get the facts straight?

(Sigh), here is another couple of questions that I am fairly certain you will ignore but I will ask them anyway:

1. "No religion needed." Where does the Bible say that again?

2. If Christianity isn't a religion, what is it?

I think Robert has run out of new material to post years ago; so rather than actually listen to what others tell him, he continues to knowingly and unashamedly post lies, caricatures and straw man "arguments". No one is fooled by it.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I think Robert has run out of new material to post years ago; so rather than actually listen to what others tell him, he continues to knowingly and unashamedly post lies, caricatures and straw man "arguments". No one is fooled by it.

I have noticed that you do not post new articles. Can it be that you have no message?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
If I posted anything, it probably wouldn't interest you because it wouldn't be misrepresentations, lies or contradictions.

All of my articles are backed by scripture. You have not been successful in refuting what I say with scripture. All you do is make a lot of noise like B57.


New member
Catholicism is a man conceived,

That is a lie....

man centered religion.

...that is a lie.....

It is not only man conceived, it is anti-Gospel and anti-Christ.

....that is a lie.....

It is all bout you who is a sinner, trying to make himself acceptable to God through the works of the law

...that is a lie.....

Bad news for you because God does not accept the works or the obedience of sinners. God only accepts the works and the obedience of Jesus Christ, we are accepted only in him. I suspect that you are going to be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we..." Matthew 7:21-23 group in the judgment.

I was right again...

...I knew you would ignore my last two questions to you.

You know, I think conversations are better when people actually interact with each other and respond to each other. Even if they disagree.

Peace to you, Robert.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
That is a lie....

...that is a lie.....

....that is a lie.....


...that is a lie.....

I was right again...

...I knew you would ignore my last two questions to you.

You know, I think conversations are better when people actually interact with each other and respond to each other. Even if they disagree.

Peace to you, Robert.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing in the New Testament about a Catholic church in Rome.

John wrote the book of Revelation to the seven churches in Asia, Revelation 1:4. Nothing to a church in Rome.

The book of Romans written by Paul was not directed to a church in Rome. It was written to believers in Rome, Romans 1:7.

The Catholic church evolved out of a political hierarchy in Rome. It had no connection whatsoever with the Christian church in Jerusalem.


New member
Sorry Robert,

Fishrovman was right. You do not listen well to others.

You have lots to say... but you don't listen well.

That is a frustrating way to have a conversation whether it be in person or through type.

I would like to respond to your last post but I am going to choose to disengage.

I know you won't listen to me.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
Sorry Robert,

Fishrovman was right. You do not listen well to others.

You have lots to say... but you don't listen well.

That is a frustrating way to have a conversation whether it be in person or through type.

I would like to respond to your last post but I am going to choose to disengage.

I know you won't listen to me.


Explain to me why there is no mention of a Catholic church in the New Testament.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
All religions have one thing in common, They are all anti-Gospel and are anti-Christ.

Religion is basically man's presentation of his works and himself to God for acceptance. Jesus Christ is not really his savior, Jesus Christ is his example. He does not rest in what Christ has accomplished on his behalf. He is resting in his own works and in what he has become. The Gospel is meaningless to him. His main preoccupation is himself and his religion.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
All religions have one thing in common, They are all anti-Gospel and are anti-Christ.

Religion is basically man's presentation of his works and himself to God for acceptance. Jesus Christ is not really his savior, Jesus Christ is his example. He does not rest in what Christ has accomplished on his behalf. He is resting in his own works and in what he has become. The Gospel is meaningless to him. His main preoccupation is himself and his religion.


Well-known member

All religions have one thing in common, They are all anti-Gospel and are anti-Christ.

Religion is basically man's presentation of his works and himself to God for acceptance. Jesus Christ is not really his savior, Jesus Christ is his example. He does not rest in what Christ has accomplished on his behalf. He is resting in his own works and in what he has become. The Gospel is meaningless to him. His main preoccupation is himself and his religion.

Yep, that's you, Pate!
