Over the past years I have noticed a distinct lack of any call to prayer in Christianity within western countries. Instead I observe Christians picking up the sword of government to force their image of Christianity upon society.
Conservative Christians and Liberal Christians both use the Bible to condemn their opponents and create a prooftext to justify their behavior.
Christians seem to have placed their faith in politics and then ask God to make their political plan work. What will people do if God's plans are not their plans? Will they repent and walk in step with the Spirit or will they try to manipulate the path God has ordained?
Why have Christians stopped praying as their weapon in battle and instead picked up politics as their weapon in battle?
Conservative Christians and Liberal Christians both use the Bible to condemn their opponents and create a prooftext to justify their behavior.
Christians seem to have placed their faith in politics and then ask God to make their political plan work. What will people do if God's plans are not their plans? Will they repent and walk in step with the Spirit or will they try to manipulate the path God has ordained?
Why have Christians stopped praying as their weapon in battle and instead picked up politics as their weapon in battle?