Who is Dorothy Neville?
This is the show from Monday July 23rd, 2007.
* Who is Dorothy Neville?
* Robbie from Little Rock: nails Sean Hannity for hypocrisy in condemning Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick for dog-fighting cruelty, while he frequently praises Rudy Guiliani who is cruel in supporting the tearing apart of unborn children.
* Vick from Aurora Colorado: Louisiana pro-lifers are passing more child-killing regulations, further undermining the personhood of the child, using as an excuse the brutally-wicked U.S. Supreme Court Gonzales v. Carhart PBA ruling.
* Nathaniel from Aurora Colorado: The fact that Dr. James Dobson is getting bad counsel from Tom Minnery, Focus on the Family's VP of Public Policy, does not mean that Dr. Dobson is not responsible for his celebration of the evil PBA ruling. Also, Dr. Dobson should be aware that all of our "pro-life" Republican judges on the U.S. Supreme Court REJECT the personhood and God-given right to life of the unborn, and this is the predictable result of National Right To Life's 30-year immoral strategy of regulating child-killing.
Today's Resource: BEL now has Bob Enyart's entire series of The Plot Bible Study albums available on MP3 CD! To order any one or all five albums, The Plot, The Tree, The Law of Moses, Last Days, and Miracles, Signs and Wonders (a.k.a. Details Galore). To order, either click on a link above, or call 800-8Enyart (836-9278).
This is the show from Monday July 23rd, 2007.
* Who is Dorothy Neville?
* Robbie from Little Rock: nails Sean Hannity for hypocrisy in condemning Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick for dog-fighting cruelty, while he frequently praises Rudy Guiliani who is cruel in supporting the tearing apart of unborn children.
* Vick from Aurora Colorado: Louisiana pro-lifers are passing more child-killing regulations, further undermining the personhood of the child, using as an excuse the brutally-wicked U.S. Supreme Court Gonzales v. Carhart PBA ruling.
* Nathaniel from Aurora Colorado: The fact that Dr. James Dobson is getting bad counsel from Tom Minnery, Focus on the Family's VP of Public Policy, does not mean that Dr. Dobson is not responsible for his celebration of the evil PBA ruling. Also, Dr. Dobson should be aware that all of our "pro-life" Republican judges on the U.S. Supreme Court REJECT the personhood and God-given right to life of the unborn, and this is the predictable result of National Right To Life's 30-year immoral strategy of regulating child-killing.
Today's Resource: BEL now has Bob Enyart's entire series of The Plot Bible Study albums available on MP3 CD! To order any one or all five albums, The Plot, The Tree, The Law of Moses, Last Days, and Miracles, Signs and Wonders (a.k.a. Details Galore). To order, either click on a link above, or call 800-8Enyart (836-9278).