Who goes to Heaven and who does not?


Well-known member
Believers who are not condemned for their sinfulness; Jn 3:18...NOT the ose condemned for their unfaith already.

The sheep who are His and can hear His voice, that is, the sheep who are believers but who have gone astray into sin, will be RETURNED to their Saviour: 1 Peter 2:25 For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. ...NOT the goats, those angels of Satan who go to the fire prepared for them.

The sinful but good seed, ie, the sinful people of the kingdom, who can mature in holiness until the last one is holy and the judgment day against the tares needs to be postponed no longer....NOT the tares, the people of the evil one.

The true Israel of GOD, the body of Christ, the Bride of the Lamb....all the same people BUT NOT the angels of Satan sown amongst the sinful elect to edify the people of the kingdom as to their idolatry of the evil tares, Eve's sin, or idolatry of the members of their own family, Matthew 10:36, Adam's sin.


New member
That doesn’t strike you as extremely cruel?
Human corruption doesn't strike you as requiring justice? Do you think of yourself as a perfect being?
God's right judgment of corrupt humanity is not cruel. The fact that God mercifully and graciously lets us live is an extremely loving extension on a right sentencing. "The wages of sin is death."
Winston, it strikes me that you harbor thoughts that you are somehow a "good" person. Why do you lie to yourself?
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I like John 14:1-3. It may be speaking about heaven. I am not sure. Who was Jesus talking to?




Well-known member
That doesn’t strike you as extremely cruel?

Only if there is no reason for not choosing everyone. If those who are condemned condemned themselves by refusing to put their faith in the Son then so be it. I contend that they were as perfectly able to choose to be holy as everyone else.


Well-known member
Human corruption doesn't strike you as requiring justice? Do you think of yourself as a perfect being?
God's right judgment of corrupt humanity is not cruel. The fact that God mercifully and graciously lets us live is an extremely loving extension on a right sentencing. "The wages of sin is death."
Winston, it strikes me that you harbor thoughts that you are somehow a "good" person. Why do you lie to yourself?

Justice is served in Christ on those sinners who have been chosen for election...the real question is why not everyone?


New member
Justice is served in Christ on those sinners who have been chosen for election...the real question is why not everyone?
The real question is: Why anyone?

What human ever merited God's redemption?
God is not obligated to redeem even one human, let alone all humans... universal.
Tscott, God does not give you the answer you ask, just as the person hiring doesn't explain why candidate C got the job rather than candidates A, B, D and E, let alone the other 500 applicants. Was the owner obligated to hire them all? Tscott, God is not obligated. You have to accept that, whether you like it or not


Well-known member
The real question is: Why anyone?

What human ever merited God's redemption?
God is not obligated to redeem even one human, let alone all humans... universal.
Tscott, God does not give you the answer you ask, just as the person hiring doesn't explain why candidate C got the job rather than candidates A, B, D and E, let alone the other 500 applicants. Was the owner obligated to hire them all? Tscott, God is not obligated. You have to accept that, whether you like it or not

In every dispensation...God is not a respecter of persons.

Acts 10:33-35
33 Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God. 34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

Winston Smith

Human corruption doesn't strike you as requiring justice?

No. Humans didn't choose the corruption; they didn't create it, they can't escape it.

Do you think of yourself as a perfect being?

No earthly idea where you're getting that.

God's right judgment of corrupt humanity is not cruel.

Humans can be judged as less than perfect, but they can't be faulted for it. They didn't choose to be that way. In other words, separating the chaff from the wheat makes sense, but blaming the chaff for being chaff does not make sense.

The fact that God mercifully and graciously lets us live is an extremely loving extension on a right sentencing.

It sounds like you're talking about a cruel dictator you happen to love and serve, like something in a movie...

"The wages of sin is death."
Winston, it strikes me that you harbor thoughts that you are somehow a "good" person. Why do you lie to yourself?

Again, no earthly idea where you're getting that. Nothing I said in anyway imaginable indicates I think I'm perfect.

Winston Smith

Only if there is no reason for not choosing everyone. If those who are condemned condemned themselves by refusing to put their faith in the Son then so be it. I contend that they were as perfectly able to choose to be holy as everyone else.

Each human that ever lived has the exact same ability to see that Jesus was real, but some are saying, "Nah"?


Each human that ever lived has the exact same ability to see that Jesus was real

That's easy to think when you live in a country where there's a Christian church every square mile.
In reality it's just a naive and even a bit shallow notion- to say everyone has the ability to see Jesus is no more compelling than saying everyone has the ability to do, well, anything.
You can't expect that a Muslim out in Turkey for example can reasonably be expected the same as you to just turn Christian and forsake everything they know.

Winston Smith

That's easy to think when you live in a country where there's a Christian church every square mile.
In reality it's just a naive and even a bit shallow notion- to say everyone has the ability to see Jesus is no more compelling than saying everyone has the ability to do, well, anything.
You can't expect that a Muslim out in Turkey for example can reasonably be expected the same as you to just turn Christian and forsake everything they know.

How did you not read the entire sentence? :dizzy:


New member
No. Humans didn't choose the corruption; they didn't create it, they can't escape it.

No earthly idea where you're getting that.

Humans can be judged as less than perfect, but they can't be faulted for it. They didn't choose to be that way. In other words, separating the chaff from the wheat makes sense, but blaming the chaff for being chaff does not make sense.

It sounds like you're talking about a cruel dictator you happen to love and serve, like something in a movie...

Again, no earthly idea where you're getting that. Nothing I said in anyway imaginable indicates I think I'm perfect.
Your first paragraph is in direct disagreement with the Bible.
Since you hold to a false premise, everything else falls apart in your argument. Why are you on a Christian forum when you reject the basic teaching of the Bible? Odd.