As soon as someone says 'orange lives' they are either saying they are above or below another color. The problem with this particular isn't that Black Lives do not matter, but that it isn't the issue.
One of the problems with meaningless slogans like "Black Lives Matter" is that they are meaningless. They are neither true nor false--they are non-propositional. The slogan, "Black Lives Matter", being a non-proposition, is not believed by anybody (not even by its loudest slogan-chanters/picketers), nor is it denied by anybody. It is not amenable to being believed, denied, asserted, contradicted, refuted, etc. All that it is good for is exactly that for which it has consistently been used: mindless chanting
People who, like the Satanist, Marxist, anti-human God-haters who design and spearhead movements such as BLM, and manipulate (and weaponize against opposition) the booboisie by means of slogans and other props--such people despise logic, and they very deliberately design their slogans to not be amenable to logical refutation. Notice that there is no quantifier with the pretended subject "Black Lives": they have it as "Black Lives Matter", and not "ALL Black Lives Matter". (Similarly, notice that many Darwin cheerleaders say things (and purely for emotional effect) such as "Creationists are not scientists"--whereas we do not often (if ever) hear them saying "ALL creationists are non-scientists", or "NO creationists are scientists".) All Marxists and Darwin cheerleaders utterly despise, and perpetually war against logic, and you will always find yourself confronted with a wall of unmixed dishonesty, and irate noise, when you corner them with the logically necessary consequences of their own, pathetic attempts at flouting logic.
The issue is whether a thug killing another thug, regardless of color, is right. To stick up for criminals is to identify one's color with the criminal and THAT is the problem. This movement is lost behind the framing of it. There are more brown and yellow lives in America that seldom get a voice. There are minority white colors that are just entering this nation that don't have a strong voice yet. Does color matter? It does when a color isn't treated well, but we have to be careful not to let 'color' inequality become about color, else no one is judged by their own merit. At this point, I'm not sure I want "Black Criminal Murders" to "Matter" over and above White, Red, or Yellow Criminal Murderers."
You might be amused to notice that an anagram of "Black Lives Matter" is "Evil Blacks Matter", while, of course, neither "Good Blacks Matter", nor "Innocent Blacks Matter", nor "Rationally-thinking/rationally-behaving Blacks Matter", is an anagram thereof.
Perhaps most accurately, the slogan's initials, "B.L.M.", could be understood as standing for "Black-Leeching Marxists", since that's exactly what these miscreants--these Marxists--are doing through their BLM movement: leeching off of as many black people as they can get away with leeching off of, for as long as they can get away with it, as just one more of their ends-justify-the-means attempts at grabbing more political power.