Cross Reference
New member
Please resist the stubborn refusal to at least clean up your posting methodology for the convenience of all you hope may come along to read the discussion. Why burden the reader with sorting out all the formatting issues versus simply availing yourself of the features the software for posting here supports? This is an odd entrenchment of yours.
I replied to your query about the passage from Genesis in which I assume you hoped to find warrant about some goodness remaining in man (Romanist prevenient grace...sigh) that would give man the ability to somehow join with God in his rebirth.
I translated the Hebrew correctly and very literally. I am confident I am not alone in my translation. That is the start of interpretation. I referred you to the preceding context of the passage in question. That is also part of interpretation. I offered up how the context supports the translation and the subsequent grammar involved. You, however, point to popular translations of the passage and claim you have met the interpretive burden. You have not. Had you immersed yourself in the thoughts of others that have come before you, inspired by the same Spirit you have indwelling you, you would find that all is not as simple as you make it. In fact, at least one of those posted translations of yours has men profaning the Lord, which in itself presents two competing interpretations of what "profane" means.
Yours is a desperate attempt to import more freight into passages that the passages cannot bear. You need to look elsewhere for prevenient grace being supported by Holy Writ. Look as you will, but I am confident you will find no evidence therein.
Thank you, AMR. I truly hope and pray everyone on this forum has a chance to read what I asked of you and your ever so kind and very informative replies, understanding [bane] with which I thankfully have no affinity __ nor need for it.