When God Changes the Law


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When God Changes the Law

This is the show from Wednesday, April 11th 2012.


* Obama -- I'm Not Trying to Redistribute Wealth: NO, it comes naturally for him. Even though Obama has called for increased taxes for the "rich" and said that we should "spread the wealth around," he now denies he's trying to redistribute. Pastor Bob references a book on economics he read earlier this year by Ludwig von Mises, "Human Action." Ludwig's book very clearly examines the failures of socialism and why it will always fail over time.

* Why Does Most of the World Take Sunday Off: Nathanial from Aurora called saying that we're supposed to keep the Sabbath on Saturdays. Bob has debated this subject in the past and, in his book "The Plot," Bob quotes the Bible to explain that God not only changes "the rules" but also forms completely new covenants (contracts) with His people through different dispensations.  

Today's Resource: Apparent contradictions plague many Bible students. The Plot demonstrates how hundreds of such contradictions disappear when the reader applies the big picture of the Bible to its deails. Tunnel vision focuses so narrowly on a problem that the solution often lies just out of view. As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical mysteries.

Nick M

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