stp wrote:
Quote Originally Posted by SaulToPaul View Post
Yet, God is still not CAUSING you to walk in his statutes, and to do them.
Be honest.
Rom 8:7: 'the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so... You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit...'
this shows the theological and spiritual bankruptcy of D'ism. Oh, I see, Rom 8 is also "not written for me." Got it.
Yours is "hollines movement" error.
In Rom. 6-8; 2 Cor. 3; Gal. 3; etc., Paul is talking about the ENABLEMENT the Believer has ACCESS TO.
It is not an AUTOMATIC compulsion.
Thus, why Paul invests so much time having to remind the various assemblies back then about these things - because as many individuals walked after the Spirit, as not...if not more so.
Because having been enabled to walk in the Spirit is just that - an ENABLEMENT.
It is not an automatic COMPULSION.
Which HAS TO BE accessed.
We access said enablement BY FAITH.
It is FAITH over the various IMAGINATIONS and FEELINGS the flesh traffics its LIE in.
Paul is talking about how said ENABLEMENT is tapped INTO.
By Faith.
In other words, simply by taking God's Word on reality as FACT, over that representation of reality the flesh would have one believe is the Believer's reality - in - any - moment.
As in 'this guy just set me off...well, I will not be brought under the power of my flesh on that... "payback" is NOT of the Spirit - that is NOT who God says in His rightly divided Word He has made me in His Son...'
Faith over Feelings...
You want to know who is actually walking after the Spirit and who is not - including yourself?
That right there is both the lens, and the mirror.
No, IP, the thing is not automatic.
One has to DECIDE TO die DAILY...
One has to DECIDE DAILY to make one's CONSCIOUS focus the reality that is Romans 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.