On Fire said:
Jesus taught that all life is precious. He killed no one for their sins.
Of course He didn't. He didn't have the authority. Not when He walked the Earth., anyway.
However, as I'm sure you agree, Jesus is God. And the Bible records numerous times when God demanded people be put to death for certain crimes, commanded Israel to kill entire nations for their wickedness, and even went so far as to kill them Himself. Sodom and Gommorah are an excellent example, especially since it relates to this specific topic. But, if you're looking for NT examples, look in Acts, where Ananias and Sapphira were both struck down where they stood, by God Himself, for stealing and lying about it.
Not much I can do about U.S. criminal laws except vote.
And protest. And write letters to gov't officials. And speak to others about it, so you maybe affect the way they see it, and therefore the way they vote.
I do not believe in the death penalty under any circumstances.
Why not? God does. Why do you disagree with God?
There is no such law in the U.S. for homosexual behavior.
That's not the point. So what if there's no such law? There should be. Just like there should be a lwa making abortion illegal. But there isn't, is there? There's a lwa making it legal. Do you think we should accept that, and leave it alone?
Are you saying that no sin is different than any other?
All sins can be forgiven.
That doesn't change the fact that some sins should also be crimes, and crimes should be punishable, period. There should be no statute of limitations and even thosse who have shown remorse, and repented of their actions [whether or not they came to Christ] should still be punished for their crimes.
I totally do not understand where this thirst for blood is coming from.
This is not about a thirst for blood, it's about a thirst for righteousness. It's abot God's standard of rigth and wrong, and what He says should be done to keep right and worng seperated.
Have you thought about what you think should happen to your neighbor's son who is also a homosexual but managed to keep it a secret until he eventually repented and accepted Christ? You find out later that he used to be a homosexual. Does he live or die?
It depends on whether or not he committed any homosexual acts. Most likely he did. And it also depends on the laws at the time he committed those acts.
Now, though I believe he should still be punished, if that is the law at the time he committed the acts [because I do not believe in retro-active laws], whether or not he gets the death penalty is another story, because he has repented and has promised never to commit those acts again. He should maybe get a second chance.
However, in the case of a murderer, rapist or child molester, they should still die for their crimes, because they intentionally victimized people.