Mueller would be out of a job.What would happen if Trump tried to fire Mueller?
What would happen if Trump tried to fire Mueller?
Mueller would be out of a job.
He could join the 6 FBI agents and Comey that were either fired, resigned or reassigned.Mueller would be out of a job.
:mock: impeach :rotfl:He may think he has nothing to lose. If the democrats win back the House, he's likely to be impeached.
What would happen if Trump tried to fire Mueller
Individual states, such as New York where "The Donald" resides, could use Mueller's data to initiate their own investigations, so the President doesn't solve his legal problems by terminating the Special Prosecutor!
"Presidential pardons" don't apply to those individuals convicted under state law, so firing Mueller could place Trump in even greater jeopardy!
What would happen if Trump tried to fire Mueller?
It would depend on the upcoming elections. Should the Dems takeover the House and Senate, justice would prevail and Trump would be impeached. As things are, nothing will happen because the GOP is unpatriotic and have no integrity. Their motto: Power first, country last.