ECT What were the contents of the "other" gospel Paul fought?


Well-known member
Part of the obnoxious confusion of D'ism and MAD about its multiple gospels is that the battle of Paul gets obscured and lost.

What do registered D'ists like STP, RD, Jerry, Danoh, Must, Tam say was the problem gospel implied or declared by Paul in passages like Gal 1, Gal 3, 2 Cor 10, etc?

Was the one mentioned in Acts 15 the phony one?


Well-known member
Part of the obnoxious confusion of D'ism and MAD about its multiple gospels is that the battle of Paul gets obscured and lost.

What do registered D'ists like STP, RD, Jerry, Danoh, Must, Tam say was the problem gospel implied or declared by Paul in passages like Gal 1, Gal 3, 2 Cor 10, etc?

Was the one mentioned in Acts 15 the phony one?

Hi and in the beginning of the MOSAIC LAW it's content was the following !!

#1 , The moral LAW !

#2 , tHE civil LAW !

#3 , The ceremonial LAW

#4 It was a combo of 613 LAWS , 365 can DO Laws and 248 CAN NOT DO LAWS !

But ,,when Jesus came , and John the Baptist , changed it all with a call to Repent and be Ceremonial cleansed and come back to serve God as the KINGDOM was at HAND !!

The reason of the WASHING , was because Israel was to be a KINGS and Priests during the eartly MILLIANNAL KINGDOM on earth !!

But the VAIL was over there HEAETS , 2 Cor 3:14-16 and killed there Messiah and in Acts 28:28 Israel was set aside and Jesus saved Paul with a new message , the MYSTERY ON Rom 16:25 and 26 and Col 1:25 and 26 !!

The B O C was BEFORE /PRO the world and time began , as written in 2 Tim 1:9 !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and in the beginning of the MOSAIC LAW it's content was the following !!

#1 , The moral LAW !

#2 , tHE civil LAW !

#3 , The ceremonial LAW

#4 It was a combo of 613 LAWS , 365 can DO Laws and 248 CAN NOT DO LAWS !

But ,,when Jesus came , and John the Baptist , changed it all with a call to Repent and be Ceremonial cleansed and come back to serve God as the KINGDOM was at HAND !!

The reason of the WASHING , was because Israel was to be a KINGS and Priests during the eartly MILLIANNAL KINGDOM on earth !!

But the VAIL was over there HEAETS , 2 Cor 3:14-16 and killed there Messiah and in Acts 28:28 Israel was set aside and Jesus saved Paul with a new message , the MYSTERY ON Rom 16:25 and 26 and Col 1:25 and 26 !!

The B O C was BEFORE /PRO the world and time began , as written in 2 Tim 1:9 !!

dan p

try to stick with the question: it was about the one being preached in Acts 15 and disturbing people. To listen to MADs, you would think it would have been exciting people.


New member
try to stick with the question: it was about the one being preached in Acts 15 and disturbing people. To listen to MADs, you would think it would have been exciting people.


Where they were off in Acts 15 was in their thinking that THEIR mission had continued.

This here...

Deuteronomy 4:5 Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. 4:6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. 4:7 For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? 4:8 And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?

Exodus 12:48 And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof.

Isaiah 2:1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 2:3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. 2:5 O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

That was not "phoney" as your OP erroneously called it as to Acts 15.

Rather: they were off as to the timing of of its' application, because its' timing was interrupted; which is what James is talking about later in Acts 15; per his, Cephas' and John's conversation with Paul in Galatians 2.

See also Rom. 9:22-24; a sister passage to 2 Peter 3.


Well-known member
try to stick with the question: it was about the one being preached in Acts 15 and disturbing people. To listen to MADs, you would think it would have been exciting people.

Hi and you ask , what are the contents of that other gospel and I wrote what is was !!

From Moses and too Paul their are ONLY 2 gospels that stand out , THE LAW and the MYSTERY of Rom 16:25 and 26 or THE UN-CIRCUMCISION or THE CIRCUMCISION in Gal 2:7 !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and you ask , what are the contents of that other gospel and I wrote what is was !!

From Moses and too Paul their are ONLY 2 gospels that stand out , THE LAW and the MYSTERY of Rom 16:25 and 26 or THE UN-CIRCUMCISION or THE CIRCUMCISION in Gal 2:7 !!

dan p

It sounds like you are saying the Law was a 'gospel.' Good luck with that! The message preached by the Pharisee-born sect of Acts 15:1 was disturbing people (v24), but they (the sect) thought it was the gospel and they pressed this everywhere Paul went and made his work difficult.

Btw, the 'they went out from us' expression is also found in John's description of antichrist (or spirit of) in I Jn 2, 4.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It sounds like you are saying the Law was a 'gospel.' Good luck with that! The message preached by the Pharisee-born sect of Acts 15:1 was disturbing people (v24), but they (the sect) thought it was the gospel and they pressed this everywhere Paul went and made his work difficult.

Btw, the 'they went out from us' expression is also found in John's description of antichrist (or spirit of) in I Jn 2, 4.

Made up.


Well-known member
It sounds like you are saying the Law was a 'gospel.' Good luck with that! The message preached by the Pharisee-born sect of Acts 15:1 was disturbing people (v24), but they (the sect) thought it was the gospel and they pressed this everywhere Paul went and made his work difficult.

Btw, the 'they went out from us' expression is also found in John's description of antichrist (or spirit of) in I Jn 2, 4.

Hi and I believe that you have had this verse written to you many times , in Matt 4:17 and in Matt 24:14 , and there it is !!

dan p


Well-known member
And so...?

Hi and so there was a Gospel of the Kingdom is preached during the Great Tribulation in Matt 24:13 and 14 !!

It is the Millennial Kingdom after that and all have to ENDURE to the END of that Tribulation SHALL BE SAVED !!

You should see nthat the MESSAGE did change , to keeping the Law and than to ENDURE !!

dan p


Well-known member
And so...?

Hi and so there was a Gospel of the Kingdom is preached during the Great Tribulation in Matt 24:13 and 14 !!

It is the Millennial Kingdom after that and all have to ENDURE to the END of that Tribulation SHALL BE SAVED !!

Here the verb SHALL BE SAVED is a Greek FUTURE TENSE , so this does not happen until the FULNESS OF THE GENTILES BE COME IN , Rom 11:25 , than Israel will be sabed in Rom 11:26 !!

You should see that the MESSAGE did change , to keeping the Law and than to ENDURE !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and so there was a Gospel of the Kingdom is preached during the Great Tribulation in Matt 24:13 and 14 !!

It is the Millennial Kingdom after that and all have to ENDURE to the END of that Tribulation SHALL BE SAVED !!

Here the verb SHALL BE SAVED is a Greek FUTURE TENSE , so this does not happen until the FULNESS OF THE GENTILES BE COME IN , Rom 11:25 , than Israel will be sabed in Rom 11:26 !!

You should see that the MESSAGE did change , to keeping the Law and than to ENDURE !!

dan p

the first half of the material in Mt 24 is about the awful period in that generation in Judea. That's why it is so direct and local. Up to v29.


Well-known member
the first half of the material in Mt 24 is about the awful period in that generation in Judea. That's why it is so direct and local. Up to v29.

Hi and Matt 24:14 , reads from the KJV , And this gospe of the Kingdom SHALL BE PREACHED in ALL the world for a witness unto all nations and THEN SHALL the End Come !!

Both of the verbs in verse 14 , SHALL BE PREACHED and THEN SHALL THE END COME are both in the Greek FUTURE TENSE and one in the Passive and the other in the ACTIVE VOICE !!

Shall be preached in all the world is to JEWS ONLY by the 144,000 Jews and not to Gentiles !!

So when does THEN SHALL THE END COME , also a Greek FUTURE TENSE verb , that any one can check and see !!

So , when this the END TO COME as the context is ALL JEWISH ??

And what happens after that ??

dan p
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Well-known member
Mt 24A is about the desolation of Jerusalem/Israel in the 1st century. The 2nd coming was expected right after that, v29, where the scene goes worldwide and final judgement. But he also allowed for the final judgement to be delayed. It was.

Other than the things that happen to Israel in A, there is nothing Judaic or confined to Israel in the message.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Mt 24A is about the desolation of Jerusalem/Israel in the 1st century. The 2nd coming was expected right after that, v29, where the scene goes worldwide and final judgement. But he also allowed for the final judgement to be delayed. It was.

Other than the things that happen to Israel in A, there is nothing Judaic or confined to Israel in the message.

How about Mt24F and Mt24Z?


Well-known member
Mt 24A is about the desolation of Jerusalem/Israel in the 1st century. The 2nd coming was expected right after that, v29, where the scene goes worldwide and final judgement. But he also allowed for the final judgement to be delayed. It was.

Other than the things that happen to Israel in A, there is nothing Judaic or confined to Israel in the message.

Hi and you never address my post #15 nor did you address the FUTURE TENSE !!

dan p