What Made Boston Vulnerable & Most Wicked?


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What Made Boston Vulnerable & Most Wicked?

This is the show from Tuesday April 16th, 2013


* Massachusettes Destroyed the Local Church: Until 1833, the state paid the salary of local ministers, who were Congregationalists, out of the public treasury. God never authorized the government to fund the church, and by doing so, the government did not further the work of these ministers; it destroyed it. Today, New England is one of the most godless regions of the country. That makes it weak, vulnerable, and wicked.

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!


New member
Hall of Fame
Your comments following the tragedy in Boston are increasingly insensitive and borderline depraved.


New member
Hall of Fame
Ah, does Granite need a hug?

The families of those who lost their lives or limbs do, you miserable, cruel, clueless little twit. This tragedy's managed to bring out the very best in some people. As this thread proves, however, it's also provoked some of our absolute worst.


New member
Your comments following the tragedy in Boston are increasingly insensitive and borderline depraved.


Was God allowing Boston to be punished for wickedness? This is a new low for BEL and kgov :down:

Anyone going to defend this tripe?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Was God allowing Boston to be punished for wickedness?

No you buffoon. They pushed him away and choose wickedness and evil.

As for the thread, I was thinking more along the lines of strategy. The former Bush administration failed at strategy by looking for things instead of looking at certain people.

The Obama regime does it on purpose.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The families of those who lost their lives or limbs do, you miserable, cruel, clueless little twit. This tragedy's managed to bring out the very best in some people. As this thread proves, however, it's also provoked some of our absolute worst.
Right, because my mocking you has everything to do with what happened in Boston.:rolleyes:

My heart and prayers are with the victims; that has nothing to do with my comment.

You completely misunderstood Jefferson's comments in the daily topic thread on this subject, and now you're projecting the words from the KGOV site onto Jefferson when all he did was copy and paste; he didn't leave a single comment in his OP, not even a "best quote" like he has before.

And you're also assuming that Bob is blaming the bombing on Boston's being wicked, as though it were a punishment for said wickedness; which is a complete contradiction of his firmly established stance on such ideas.

You're a bitter little boy in an adult body who doesn't know how to be a grown up.


Was God allowing Boston to be punished for wickedness? This is a new low for BEL and kgov :down:

Anyone going to defend this tripe?
Bob has always firmly spoken against such an idea. So your comment says quite a lot about you. Of course, many of us already knew this about you.

Have you guys listened to the show? Or are you just emoting about what you assume?
Of course they're assuming, as Bob has always spoken out against such ideas.


New member
Hall of Fame
You completely misunderstood Jefferson's comments in the daily topic thread on this subject, and now you're projecting the words from the KGOV site onto Jefferson when all he did was copy and paste; he didn't leave a single comment in his OP, not even a "best quote" like he has before.

He rarely if ever makes any comments or contributes anything to TOL other than cuts and pastes, so tell me something I don't know.:yawn:

And you're also assuming that Bob is blaming the bombing on Boston's being wicked, as though it were a punishment for said wickedness; which is a complete contradiction of his firmly established stance on such ideas.

Dismissing an entire region as "weak, vulnerable, and wicked" in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack is a savage, cowardly, cruel, and vicious act. It was deliberately, calculatedly offensive.

You're a bitter little boy in an adult body who doesn't know how to be a grown up.

Dead wrong. But you just described yourself, Brandon. I'm a homeowner and husband (that's what adults do; earn things, meet people, act all grown up and stuff). What are you other than a marginally-employed misanthrope? The world fascinates and delights me. You recently commented it mostly disgusts you, and that really just sums you up, now doesn't it? (If you're living in your mother's basement that would be icing on the proverbial cake.)

Your defense of Enyart just shows what poor taste you really have.


The world fascinates and delights me.

and yet the persona you present here is widely recognized as that of a person suffering from demons - harsh, offensive, abusive, quick to take offense and quicker to offend, struggling to come to terms with experiences and a mindset from your youth that you now reject, eager to lash out at anything you see that reminds you of that youth...

perhaps away from here you're a saint

all we have to go on here is what you write

and what you write tells me you're a mess


New member
No you buffoon. They pushed him away and choose wickedness and evil.

Who is "they"?

Bob has always firmly spoken against such an idea. So your comment says quite a lot about you. Of course, many of us already knew this about you.

What does my comment say about me? What comment?

Dismissing an entire region as "weak, vulnerable, and wicked" in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack is a savage, cowardly, cruel, and vicious act. It was deliberately, calculatedly offensive.

Just to be clear, this is what I am agreeing with and what is a new low for BEL.


And Texas was blown up because of their brazen gun laws and lack of respect of human life (in comparison to property)!!!