ECT WHAT IS THE ONE 1P 1P IN Acts 18:5 ?


Well-known member
Hi to all and when I sak those who believe in a 1P 1P and what that means OR how one is saved under a 1P 1P gospel , they will not say what it is !!

Nor say how anyone can be SAVED under a 1P 1P Gospel ?

Nor do know where they are going when they DIE ??

In Acts 18:5 we read And when both Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia , Paul was being URGED BY ( THE ) Spirit , ernestly testifying to the JEWS Jesus the Christ !!

#1 , Notice the context , JEWS !!

#2 , Paul was preaching Jesus the Christ !!

#3 CHRIST can be interpreted , also MESSIAH , how about that !!

#4 We see that Paul always when to the Synagogue on the sabbath in verse 4 !!

Paul's message today is the MYSTERY in Rom 16:25 and 26 and Col 1:25 and 26 !!

Then in Acts 18:6 Paul say , From now on I will go to teh Gentiles !!

Acts is one that will TRY the most able student and those of the 1P 1P have no where to go as there are 6 GOSPELS in the bible !!

dan p


Well-known member
you are saved by the sacrifice of Christ. God was in Christ reconciling the debt of sin of the whole world. That is the one Gospel and that is the 'how saved.'


Well-known member
you are saved by the sacrifice of Christ. God was in Christ reconciling the debt of sin of the whole world. That is the one Gospel and that is the 'how saved.'

Hi and if that is true , tells how you were saved ??

I have verse , SO lets have your verses ??

What are you waiting for ??

So , how was Paul saved in Acts 9:6 the PATTERN for savaltion as 1 Tim 1:15 and 16 says it was ??

You always BEAT around the BUSH , and anyone can see you !!

dan p


Well-known member
you are saved by the sacrifice of Christ. God was in Christ reconciling the debt of sin of the whole world. That is the one Gospel and that is the 'how saved.'

Hi and where does a 1P 1P gospel say you go when you DIE ??

Heaven ?

Or Hell ??

Where did Lasarus go when he died ??

Get real bible verse !!

dan p


Well-known member
If you are not justified by Christ, you perish in a lake of fire, DanP, for you are outside of the acceptable standard of God.


TOL Subscriber
If you are not justified by Christ, you perish in a lake of fire, DanP, for you are outside of the acceptable standard of God.

Yep . . God is in the process of forever eliminating all issuance and praxis of ILLEGALITY (the purpose of the purging called "hellfire").

He is the Judge, and His rule will determine who is acceptable in His court of Law, or not.


Well-known member
If you are not justified by Christ, you perish in a lake of fire, DanP, for you are outside of the acceptable standard of God.

Hi and what are the STANDARDS for a 1P 1P Programs as you are suppose to know IT ?

I see , that you still have a PROBLEM explaining how a person is saved ??

And where a 1P 1P goes when he dies ??

Still on your FEET and DANCING I see !!

dan p


Well-known member
How a person is saved: by what Christ did, by his righteousness. You need to ask yourself why this is a foreign concept to you.


Well-known member
How a person is saved: by what Christ did, by his righteousness. You need to ask yourself why this is a foreign concept to you.

Hi and it is FOREIGN to you , is it not !!

Then , how was Peter saved ?

What was the PATTERN of salvation that Paul speaks about , in 1 Tim 1:15 and 16 ?

Do you believe that Paul was SAVED ??

So , tells us How ??

Was the Holy Spirit imparted to Paul ??

I have verses , so what do you have , SMOKE and MIRRORS ??

Don't know do you ??

dan p