ECT What is Preterism

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That's good !!!!!

Basically, there are three "isms". Historicism, Dispensationalism, and Preterism.

Once you subscribe to one of these three "isms", it has a major influence on how you read the Bible.

I would suggest learning all three of them, it will not only change how you read the Bible, but will help you see things you never saw before.

I first heard the Gospel in 1962. I believe that same Gospel in 2016. It's the one and only true word of God. MAD fits perfectly into that truth.


I first heard the Gospel in 1962. I believe that same Gospel in 2016. It's the one and only true word of God. MAD fits perfectly into that truth.

I'm don't doubt you feel that way, but feelings aren't facts.

Like I said, I would suggest learning Historicism and Preterism (assuming you already know Dispensationalism).

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I see why TetTroll cannot give a Testimony of his faith, due to the fact he's so involved with false doctrine. Those two don't fit together. He is a "Divider."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Darby followers don't do that. Darby followers contradict what the Apostle Paul taught.

Darby followers deny the NC that Christ Jesus shed His blood for.

Darby followers teach that God still looks at certain people in the flesh.

Darby followers teach that animal sacrifices for sin atonement will once again be required from God.

Dispensationalism is a false anti-Christ teaching, that is contrary to what the Apostle Paul and Christ Jesus taught.

"But Darby followers are saved..."-Craigie

Little arms, wimpie Craigie, on records, asserts that one can:

-"slap Christ," thus asserting that his work is not good enough, and continue to assert that, til death, and...

-teach anti-Christ doctrine(as he accused Tam of, and others).

And still, they are saved.

On record.

Ask him. If he denies it, I will provide the quotes.

He is a perverter of the gospel of Christ, a spineless wimp, with no backbone, only here, to cause division, among the boc(which excludes him), per his daddy devil's orders.

Ask him.

Right, little arms devil boy?
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By the way TeT, Christ died for the sins of ALL Humanity,

Then why do Darby followers claim that God will require animal sacrifices for sin atonement in the future?

I agree with you that Christ Jesus died for ALL sins of ALL humanity. However, that's not what Dispensationalism teaches.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Then why do Darby followers claim that God will require animal sacrifices for sin atonement in the future?

I agree with you that Christ Jesus died for ALL sins of ALL humanity. However, that's not what Dispensationalism teaches.
That has been addressed by many, you deceitful punk.

Why did you bale from Hilston debate, when he addressed that question, numerous times with you,little weakling Craigie, as you kept bringing it up, punk, lying to him, asserting the same thing, i.e., "Hilston, why can't you answer my questions on the animal!!!????", when he did answer it, numerous times?

The answer: No answer will satisfy you, punk, and then you just cry, "No one answers my questions!!!!!!Wah Wah Wah.................................!!!"

Why did you bale from that debate, punk?

Rhetorical Q- He pummeled you, picked you apart, and also on your "Darby followers claim that God will require animal sacrifices for sin atonement in the future?" spam.

Why do you Russell, Josephus followers claim that you can be anti Christ, deny the Lord Jesus Christ's work, until you die, and still be saved?


Well-known member
Wah Wah Wah.................................!!!"



Animals never died to atone for sin...and never will.

That's my point steko.

Why in the world, after what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross, would God require people to make animal sacrifices for sin?

According to your Dispensationalism, the following verse applies to the yet future:

(Ezekiel 40:39 KJV) And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering.

Why would God require a sin offering after what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross?


Well-known member
That's my point steko.

Why in the world, after what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross, would God require people to make animal sacrifices for sin?

According to your Dispensationalism, the following verse applies to the yet future:

(Ezekiel 40:39 KJV) And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering.

Why would God require a sin offering after what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross?

I guess, you'll never know.


I guess, you'll never know.

No, I do know.

There isn't going to be animal sacrifices for sin in the future.

That's because the Lord Jesus Christ made a one time sacrifice for ALL sin for ALL time.

One of the biggest fundamental flaws of Dispensationalism is the claim that animal sacrifices for sin will be required by God in the future.


(2 Peter 3:3) Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

(Jude 18-19) They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.

How can you still claim 2 Peter 3 speaks of future events, when Jude quotes 2 Peter 3, and then goes on to tell his audience that the last days Peter spoke of were taking place during the life of Jude?

Ezekiel says the opposite

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