Hi to all , and Matt 28:19 was alway a stumbling block early on for me and to many believers !!
It reads , Go ye therefore and teach all NATIONS BAPTIZING them in the name of the FAYJER , and of the SON , and of the HOLY SPIRIT !!
#1, The first thing , is the CONTEXT in verse 16 , it is the 11 disciples !! How easy is that !!
@2 , Go YE is a verb inn the PAST TENSE of Jesus earthly Ministry !!
#3 , AND TEACH is also in the AORIST TENSE and speaks to Jesus earthly ministry !!
#4 Since Paul's ministry is no BAPTIZIO / PLACING into the Body of Christ , in 1 Cor 12:13 and Paul was sent to BAPTIZE , in 1 Cor 1:17 WHY will Grace believers have to BAPTIZE anyone ??
#5 , So what doe NATION / ENTHOS mean THEN in Matt 28:19 !!
#6 The 12 were to GO the there Jews brethren that were scattered all OVER the Roman Empired !!
The Greek word NATION / ETHNOS is a transliterted word with many meaning LIKE < RACE , GENTILES , HEATHEN , and Jewish Nation , how about that and here are the verse for that , in John 11:48 50 , verse 51 !!
Who has SEEN Jews preaching to GENTILES ??
Since Israel has been set aside in Acts 28:28 and in Luke 13:6-9 and Isa 6 and many other verses and passages !!
The one's that will preach are the 144,000 Jews and then they will preach to Jews during the first 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation !!
dan p
It reads , Go ye therefore and teach all NATIONS BAPTIZING them in the name of the FAYJER , and of the SON , and of the HOLY SPIRIT !!
#1, The first thing , is the CONTEXT in verse 16 , it is the 11 disciples !! How easy is that !!
@2 , Go YE is a verb inn the PAST TENSE of Jesus earthly Ministry !!
#3 , AND TEACH is also in the AORIST TENSE and speaks to Jesus earthly ministry !!
#4 Since Paul's ministry is no BAPTIZIO / PLACING into the Body of Christ , in 1 Cor 12:13 and Paul was sent to BAPTIZE , in 1 Cor 1:17 WHY will Grace believers have to BAPTIZE anyone ??
#5 , So what doe NATION / ENTHOS mean THEN in Matt 28:19 !!
#6 The 12 were to GO the there Jews brethren that were scattered all OVER the Roman Empired !!
The Greek word NATION / ETHNOS is a transliterted word with many meaning LIKE < RACE , GENTILES , HEATHEN , and Jewish Nation , how about that and here are the verse for that , in John 11:48 50 , verse 51 !!
Who has SEEN Jews preaching to GENTILES ??
Since Israel has been set aside in Acts 28:28 and in Luke 13:6-9 and Isa 6 and many other verses and passages !!
The one's that will preach are the 144,000 Jews and then they will preach to Jews during the first 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation !!
dan p