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Hi to all and here is how 2 Cor 11:2 reads , For I am burning with zeal ( OVER ) you with a zeal of God , for I myself have JOINED you to one MAN to present a Pure VIRGIN to Christ and there are 3 verbs that prove my point and also Re 14:4 !!

#1, The first verb is in the Greek PRESENT TENSE that Paul has written to ONLY to those under the Dispensation or to the MYSTERY !!

#2 The second Greek verb is I HAVE ESPOUSED YOU and is in the Greek AORIST TENSE which points back to the time of your salvation !!

And is in the MIDDLE VOICE and means that the subject , YOU are particpating in thre action lof being JOINED to Christ !!

#3 The third verb is THAT I MAY PRESENT you to Christ a PURE VIRGIN to Christ and like Rev 14:4 , the Greek word for VIRGIN / PARTHENOS is am Musculine Noun !!

Gal 3:28 says tjhat there CAN NOT BE /ENI Jews CAN NOT BE Gentiles not Slaves nor FREE nekither MALE nor Females , because we are a new Man , see Eph 2:15 !!

Eph 4:13 says that we are NEW MAN !!

Gal 6:15 says that we believers are a NEW CREATION !!

dan p