Westboro Church Welcomes Refugees!

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lifeguard at the cement pond

Ottawa church fights racism with lawn signs welcoming refugees

A church in Westboro is trying to use lawn signs to build community and combat negativity and racism being directed towards refugees in both Canada and the United States.

First United Church printed 200 signs that read "No matter where you are from, we're glad you're our neighbour," in English, French and Arabic.

Rev. Brian Cornelius said the church has helped community groups in Ottawa sponsor about 100 refugees and the signs are a visible way to fight some of the recent negativity seen and heard in the United States.

"Canada is not exempt from that rhetoric," added Cornelius.

"We recognize that we do have incidents of racism, that we have to deal with prejudice in our own society and so we just want to be a part of being that voice of welcome."

Wendy Snelgrove is a member of the congregation who bought a sign for $10 following a church service on Sunday.

She said her family wanted one because they are proud of the work being done in Ottawa.

