Grosnick Marowbe

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A good friend of mine I've known for about thirty-five or so years told me about a month ago that I ought to consider Cruz as the man to vote for. Well, I've always voted Republican and hadn't heard any of the candidates speeches or anything. So, I told him I might consider voting for him?

Weeks later I happened to listen to Trump and I have to say, I was mighty impressed with what this man had to say and how he said it. We've been under a Socialist regime for the past eight years and it's got us into about seventeen trillion dollars of debt, a faulty medical insurance debacle, and an open border you could roll a large planet through.

I used to think Jimmy "peanut farmer" Carter was the worst President in my lifetime until Obama came around. He's now my number one worst President of my lifetime. Carter is now in the number two position. Our country needs a very strong leader at this point in history and I believe Trump fits the bill. He wants to build a wall around our borders, I say, the bigger the better.

He wants to make our military stronger, I say, make it as strong as you want. He doesn't seem to go along with this, "Global Warming Scam." I heard today that MOST scientists don't believe in it either. Trump believes that the number one danger is, Nuclear Warfare and he's 100% correct.

He's a business man. He's also a billionaire who is beholden to no one. He can't be bought. He's his own man and tries his best to speak the truth about our ravaged government/country. Do we really want eight years more of liberal socialist control? I think a majority of those who back Hillary are thinking they're getting Bill back in the Whitehouse? The Libs love Bill.

We all know what a scoundrel he is. Might you as well elect two Mafiosos into office? It's like having Al Capone and John Dillinger running for office. Hillary and Bill will only get us into more debt as well as provide us with more scandals. Under Obamacare, people pay high premiums and outrageous deductibles.

Sure, Obamacare helps the very poor but decimates the middle class. Again, do we really desire another eight years of Socialist rule? Can the country even take that much destruction? As for me, I'm voting for Trump.
