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Why is it that some close their eyes to evil until it has it's teeth clamped on their throat?


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Why is it that some close their eyes to evil until it has it's teeth clamped on their throat?

Swedes and Brits have the excuse of letting themselves be rotted out and dissipated by decades of leftism that has poisoned everything, leaving nothing about them untouched.

Germans (and French) have that, and also have the memory of horrid destruction from two back to back wars. THEN, the Germans were split in half...half increasingly godlessly leftist and morally corrupted, the other half conquered by godless communists. I imagine all this has done quite a job on the collective German psyche. Would not be surprise to learn most of them are quietly deranged now...completely at a loss as to who or what they are.

Which, I further suppose, if the right (or wrong) leader came along and re-awoke something in those Germans...hoo boy. Maybe it's a good thing they're unarmed.


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I know folks like to look for the good in everything.
But you can't keep that other eye shut.
There IS evil out there, and it approaches as a harmless angel of light at first, and will pull the wool over your eyes if you don't pay attention.


Well-known member
I know folks like to look for the good in everything.
But you can't keep that other eye shut.
There IS evil out there, and it approaches as a harmless angel of light at first, and will pull the wool over your eyes if you don't pay attention.

It's what comes of the liberal/leftist lie that humans are basically good and perfectible. It's one of their handy tools you can use to put people to sleep while you play the long game of taking over.

One result: everyday Europeans being completely unable to fathom that Mohammedans really do believe the Koran and take their religion very seriously, until they learn too late that they damn well do.


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I hope Merkel loses every bit of respect from the German people.

They're starting to hate her but she apparently has the strings of power tied up tight...and I believe she was East German so she knows how to play hardball if she has to. The average Germans have forgotten.


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It's what comes of the liberal/leftist lie that humans are basically good and perfectible. It's one of their handy tools you can use to put people to sleep while you play the long game of taking over.

One result: everyday Europeans being completely unable to fathom that Mohammedans really do believe the Koran and take their religion very seriously, until they learn too late that they damn well do.


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I like to borrow user quotes posted in various places. Snagged this one recently. It's about Islam but applies just as well to the Left:

They have declared you their enemy. It doesn’t matter how you feel about them. It doesn’t matter if you claim to have no hate in your heart. It does not take two to tangle any more than it takes two to mug, rob, or rape. On your feet or on your knees, it doesn't matter. Only one of you is getting out alive.


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One result: everyday Europeans being completely unable to fathom that Mohammedans really do believe the Koran and take their religion very seriously, until they learn too late that they damn well do.

Muslims creep into unsuspecting towns under the false auspices of peace and tolerance, holding a poisonous snake disguised as a peace offering. To late those who fail to watch see the hate and murder in their eyes.