Walker.Jindal.Cruz.Rubio.Fiorina won Debate


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Walker.Jindal.Cruz.Rubio.Fiorina won Debate​

Why did they win?

because they didn't make any mistakes. Why did they make no mistakes?

because they spoke from the heart, and when you do that, you don't make any big mistakes.


Jindal: A

Cruz: A

Walker: A

Fiorina: A

Christie: B

Trump: C

Bush: B-

Graham: B-

Santorum: C

Pataki: C-

Rubio: A

Kasich: C

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New member
Chris Christie probably does not care so much for the middle class, as he just wanted to interrupt Fiorina & Trump and get some attention.

For him to say that those 2's past accomplishments are irrelevant is BOGUS. We the voters need to know about this kind of thing.


Bush That was dumb when he demanded Trump apologize to his wife. For what??!!


Trump still holding a grudge against Bush for not letting him have his casino in Florida? Did he try to buy Bush? God knows...

doesn't look good

Fiorina I love what she said re abortion, and how she put that issue alongside the Iran Frankenstein "Deal"... both are implicated vis a vis the integrity of this country.. which is about nill right now worldwide

but you know... I still don't know whether she is truly pro life..

At this point, I --and all Cahtolics-- can only vote for Walker, Rubio, Cruz or Jindal



New member
What am I talking about: doesn't look good about Trump and the "casinos in Florida" thing... !!!

CNN caught Trump in a LIE about that...

(now, true, I don't always trust CNN but I doubt they would side w/ Bush if Bush were clearly wrong)




New member
Walker and Jindal are the most Reagan-like

and Cruz and Rubio...

Fiorina also... I like what she said about nt talking to Putin... although at some point the pres will probably have no choice?


Donald Trump

New member
I won the debate and it wasn't even close. The rest of the candidates are nice, but they're ultimately losers at the end of the day. You have to know how to negotiate and how to avoid being terrible. Our leaders are stupid, we can't elect another stupid one. I will make America great again.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump, billionaire real-estate mogul? :noway: