Vote for WHO If Obama Will Win

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Vote for WHO If Obama Will Win

This is the show from Monday July 28th, 2008.

[Dr. James] Dobson said, "We are a mistress to the Republican party."

He admitted it. Then he plays the role.


* Thou Shalt Not Waste Thy Vote: According to Gallup Daily Tracking Poll Barack Obama's lead over John McCain is 8% at a 48% to 40% margin among registered voters. Bob Enyart has been looking for a Bible verse that must exist, with so many conservatives saying, Don't waste your vote, it must be in Scripture! Like last fall when the polls showed overwhelmingly that pro-abortion Bill Ritter would win the Colorado governor's race, which he did, what should a voter do in such a situation? If the polls show that Obama will coast to an easy win, then do you vote for Obama? You don't want to throw away your vote, do you? And we all know that the Bible must say, somewhere, "Don't throw away your vote." And as it also says in Escalators 7:11, "Thou hast two parties, thou must vote for somebody." After all, why do you think the Herodians had such a big following? Israel had a two-party system. And you had to vote for either the Herodians or the Rabble-rousers. And as for me and my family, far be it from us to be rabble-rousers! We will serve the Herodians. Thus, don't waste your vote! If at all possible, find out who is going to win, and vote for that person. And if turns out that you would have to vote for Obama, don't worry, because voting for him would be the lesser of two evils, yea, for wasting thy vote is worse.

* Seamstresses (and seamstress guys?) Needed: Phase II. American RTL's DNC Welcoming Committee has collected hundreds of sheets for their top secret Sheets of Shame project! Can you help ARTL sew these sheets? ARTL has the sewing machines and thread. They need volunteers, both experienced and inexperienced (some folks are assemblers who only move the fabric along). Only existing friends can apply for this job! (Remember, the sheets project is top secret! But as you begin to work with Denver's Right-To-Life community, you will become a known and trusted friend ready to help with the next such project, and around here, top secret projects come along rather frequently! : )

* Famous Oath Now Negotiable: Dr. James Dobson is set to violate his oath taken before God, in which he famously pledged: "for the rest of my life, however long God lets me live on this earth, I will never cast one vote for any man or woman who would kill one innocent baby." After invoking God in that oath, Dobson now says he might endorse John McCain, a politician who advocates killing innocent babies. Invite others to hear this online at:

* We Never Ask This Kind of Thing, But...: Please paste the above paragraph into the Focus online message form, or please send it to any Focus on the Family address, email address, volunteer or employee that you may know of, and to a friend. Thanks! -The KGOV Staff

* Sheets Arriving from a Dozen States! Help with ARTL's Sheets of Shame! Can you get seven sheets to ARTL for a major prolife project by Friday, July 28th! Please help American RTL welcome the DNC to Denver! We need another ten people to send us seven sheets each for a top secret project called the Sheets of Shame! If you can, please send sheets to:
American RTL
1535 Grant St #303
Denver CO 80203
Or, you can click to donate to ARTL Action to help fund the $3,000 Sheets of Shame project!

* Please Help with a Personhood Project: If you can, please volunteer on one of these projects:
- Team131: if you're able to spend at least five hours at your PC helping with a vital online project! (we have dozens of volunteers, but we still need... You!)
- Metro Team: if you're able to come out occasionally for an important project in the Denver area, please let Donna at CRTL know at 303 753-9394!

Today's Resource: Please help BEL continue to reach more people! We need your help today! By subscribing to the Monthly Sermons resource, every month the U.S. Mail will deliver Bob's sermons to your door. Also, you can consider subscribing to the BEL Televised Classics on DVD (to see the educational and often hilarious, and sometimes intense, episodes from Bob's nationally syndicated TV show). And you can subscribe to our monthly Bible Study Albums, or our monthly topical Videos! In fact, you could also sign up to donate monthly to BEL. These resource subscriptions will help you grow spiritually and intellectually! So many have reported that the biblical knowledge they gain from these resources is so practical that it has helped them improve: their marriages and other relationships, parenting and grand-parenting, work relationships, evangelizing, and so many general life skills! And of course, subscribing to one or more of these services will not only help you, at the same time you will be helping KGOV continue to reach more people with our biblically-based worldview!
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New member
Okay, maybe I am just dumb, but I am a bit confused by this part:

* Thou Shalt Not Waste Thy Vote: According to Gallup Daily Tracking Poll Barack Obama's lead over John McCain is 8% at a 48% to 40% margin among registered voters. Bob Enyart has been looking for a Bible verse that must exist, with so many conservatives saying, Don't waste your vote, it must be in Scripture! Like last fall when the polls showed overwhelmingly that pro-abortion Bill Ritter would win the Colorado governor's race, which he did, what should a voter do in such a situation? If the polls show that Obama will coast to an easy win, then do you vote for Obama? You don't want to throw away your vote, do you? And we all know that the Bible must say, somewhere, "Don't throw away your vote." And as it also says in Escalators 7:11, "Thou hast two parties, thou must vote for somebody." After all, why do you think the Herodians had such a big following? Israel had a two-party system. And you had to vote for either the Herodians or the Rabble-rousers. And as for me and my family, far be it from us to be rabble-rousers! We will serve the Herodians. Thus, don't waste your vote! If at all possible, find out who is going to win, and vote for that person. And if turns out that you would have to vote for Obama, don't worry, because voting for him would be the lesser of two evils, yea, for wasting thy vote is worse.

Is Bob being sarcastic, or he is seriously asking us to vote for Obama?
*scratches head*


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Hall of Fame
Ummm...I'm pretty sure he was kidding about ancient Israel's two party system, as well.:noid:


New member
Ah okay, lol, I didnt read thouroughly enough.. I didnt notice Bob said "Escalators 7:11" instead of Eclesiastes 7:11.. I guess I just assumed, haha..
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