Volcano Active Plume in Oregon, Nevada, off West Coast


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Dormant Volcanoes in California reactivated

This accompanies
Cold Springs, Nevada,
Plume-off event near Sun River (Oregon)
Near Mount Bachelor volcano chain.

Central Pacific swarm of quakes,
New volcano split Indonesia, Mt. Cinabon

Dutchsinse thinks this is the buildup for a coming quake on West Coast:


Some are saying 30-50 feet of further movement is expected in Nepal...


New member


Underwater Volcano Likely Spewing Lava off Oregon Coast, Scientists Say

By Zain Haidar
Published May 4 2015 01:52 PM EDT

Three hundred miles off the Oregon Coast, a deep sea giant has re-awakened.
Last September, researchers with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted that Axial Seamount, a large underwater volcano, would erupt before 2016.

3D image of Axial Seamount. (NOAA)

Jump ahead a few months to the end of April, and data taken from readings of the volcano shows that prediction was most likely correct. (MORE: Kilauea Summit Lava Lake Overflows)
Axial Seamount, which is the most active submarine volcano in its sector of the northeast Pacific, previously erupted in 2011 and 1998, each time spewing waves of magma from its summit about a mile below the surface.
Using 3D imaging and temperature data from the seamount, NOAA scientist Chadwick and his team determined that the volcano was 'inflating' and 'deflating' -- a phemonenon that occurs as magma passes through the seamount. Thousands of minor earthquakes in the area and increases in seafloor temperatures all point toward an eruption event, but it's impossible to be completely sure without a first-hand look.
"It isn't clear yet whether the earthquakes and deflation at Axial are related to a full-blown eruption, or if it is only a large intrusion of magma that hasn't quite reached the surface," Chadwick, who's one of the scientists who predicted the activity, told Science Daily. "There are some hints that lava did erupt, but we may not know for sure until we can get out there with a ship."



New member
I am about 150 miles North of Sun River. So far so good. I'll keep you posted if anything starts getting shaky.