Very Sad Turn of Events

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
When I was here over a year ago, there was a lot of hate and nonsense, but there was also a lot of substantive issues being discussed. Today, every anti-Trump post I see is just gutter insults and hate. The man has worked a miracle with unemployment, the economy, ISIS, and more... ...he is the first sitting president to address the March for Life and his pro-life ratings are skyrocketing.... ....illegal border crossing have dropped massively and the wall isn't even up yet.... ....he has done all this and more, and all there is in this forum is hate, insults and lies.

If God revealed tomorrow that Trump is actually Jesus, I dare say most of the people here would become Satanists our of sheer mindless hatred for the man. You people are real pieces of work. With the exception of a few good folks here, most have become unhinged. Its really really sad.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Trump's 'America First' triumphs in Davos with a new message of economic success
by Larry Kudlow

"America is open for business, and we are competitive once again." That was just one of the key lines in President Donald Trump's highly successful Davos speech this week.

Of course, in going to Davos, the president entered the lion's den. A year ago, such a visit would have been a poor idea. Back then, elitist heads of state, the European Union bureaucrats, and international CEOs were uniformly against Trump.

But in 2018, Trump's Davos strategy was a brilliant stroke.

A year later he could make the fact-based argument that, in his words, "The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America."

And the core of his message was this: "There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest, and to grow in the United States."

He's right.

In just a year, Trump's polices have begun to restructure the American economy. We've moved from "secular stagnation" (i.e., high taxes, massive regulation, huge government spending, and a disdain for business and investors) to a new private-sector incentive system that rewards success.

By slashing individual and corporate tax rates, providing 100 percent immediate expensing for plants and technology, and making it easy for big companies who fled our high-tax system to bring the money back home, he has ended the war against business and investment.

And it has happened faster than anyone imagined possible.

More than 250 American companies have announced gigantic investment projects, paid sizeable bonuses to their workforces, increased 401(k) contributions, and raised corporate minimum wages and other benefits.

And now, a roaring stock market, generating $7 trillion in new wealth, provides the only realistic chance of bailing out excessive government-union pensions and benefits — even though these very unions totally opposed Trump's corporate tax reform

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

President Trump named ‘pro-life person of the year’ for 2017

Life Site News:

"January 4, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – The pro-life group Operation Rescue has named President Donald Trump as their 2017 “pro-life person of the year.”

The Malachi Award is given by Operation Rescue every year to recognize individuals who sacrificially work to advance the cause of protecting the pre-born.

“Operation Rescue is grateful to Pres. Trump for having the courage to keep promises made during the campaign that provide greater protections for the pre-born and deny Federal funds from those who commit abortions,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “He has proven to be the most pro-life president we have had in modern history and has backed up his pro-life rhetoric with action like no other before him.”

According to Operation Rescue, after one year Trump has already accomplished more for the pro-life agenda than any other president


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
When I was here over a year ago, there was a lot of hate and nonsense, but there was also a lot of substantive issues being discussed. Today, every anti-Trump post I see is just gutter insults and hate.
That is how the left operates.
They strain at gnats while swallowing a camel.
They will choose emotionalism over reason not matter what the cost.

The man has worked a miracle with unemployment, the economy, ISIS, and more... ...he is the first sitting president to address the March for Life and his pro-life ratings are skyrocketing.... ....illegal border crossing have dropped massively and the wall isn't even up yet.... ....he has done all this and more, and all there is in this forum is hate, insults and lies.

If God revealed tomorrow that Trump is actually Jesus, I dare say most of the people here would become Satanists our of sheer mindless hatred for the man. You people are real pieces of work. With the exception of a few good folks here, most have become unhinged. Its really really sad.
When it comes to Trump, some folks will LOOK for any little reason to hate whether it is factual or not.
They will not only attack him, but will attack the women and children of his family also.

It has been on of the worst cases of political frenzy hating I've ever witnessed in my life.


Well-known member
That is how the left operates.
They strain at gnats while swallowing a camel.
They will choose emotionalism over reason not matter what the cost.

When it comes to Trump, some folks will LOOK for any little reason to hate whether it is factual or not.
They will not only attack him, but will attack the women and children of his family also.

It has been on of the worst cases of political frenzy hating I've ever witnessed in my life.

Yep, and it's affecting people I have known for years. Normally mild mannered folks are sounding demented.

The Barbarian

Today, every anti-Trump post I see is just gutter insults and hate. The man has worked a miracle with unemployment,

Well, that would be a testable claim. Let's take a look...


So last year's drop in unemployment was the smallest drop since 2010 at least. How is that something to crow over?

the economy,

Again, a testable claim. Let's see how that pans out...

Doesn't look like he made much of an impact on it. For which we should be really grateful. It's been on the upswing for 9 straight years, now. He gets points for not messing it up. So far.

How many cities in Iraq were liberated under Obama? How many under Trump? In fact, as everyone realizes, ISIS was on the ropes well before the 2016 election. Would you like to learn why?

....illegal border crossing have dropped massively

And we have another testable claim. Let's see that one...


That's been dropping for years. Obama, as you might know, deported a record number of illegal immigrants. But the real issue is that there are fewer people illegally entering by the southern border, than are now coming in illegally from India and China. Trump's wall, even if Mexicans didn't know how to make ladders, won't stop the real problem.

and the wall isn't even up yet....

There's this little problem with getting Mexico to pay for it. Apparently, he now thinks you and I should pay for it.

If God revealed tomorrow that Barack Obama is actually Jesus, I dare say many of the people here would become Satanists our of sheer mindless hatred for the man. You people are real pieces of work. Most people here are good folks, but some have become unhinged. Its really really sad.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
That is how the left operates.
They strain at gnats while swallowing a camel.
They will choose emotionalism over reason not matter what the cost.

When it comes to Trump, some folks will LOOK for any little reason to hate whether it is factual or not.
They will not only attack him, but will attack the women and children of his family also.

It has been on of the worst cases of political frenzy hating I've ever witnessed in my life.

All true. I have to believe the supernatural is at work because there is no rational explanation for their seething hatred and utter willingness to believe lies.

The age old spiritual battle between good and evil has manifested itself in the material realm under many guises over millennia and I believe it is happening now in American politics & society.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Are you a Christian? If you are, then consider Paul, a man who murdered hundreds of Christians. Would you throw your Bible away because Paul wrote most of the New Testament and murdered hundreds of Christians? God forgives.

Whatever Trump was in the past regarding abortion, he is pro-life now. Let us give thanks to God that just like Paul, Trump has seen the light.

Isn't that what we hope and pray for for all pro-choicers?.. ...that they change?

The Barbarian

Are you a Christian? If you are, then consider Paul, a man who murdered hundreds of Christians. Would you throw your Bible away because Paul wrote most of the New Testament and murdered hundreds of Christians? God forgives.

Paul repented and asked God for forgiveness. Trump says he doesn't have to ask God for forgiveness. You can have God's forgiveness at any time. But you have to ask.

Whatever Trump was in the past regarding abortion, he is pro-life now.

Odd that his first Supreme Court nominee was Gorsuch, then:
Judge Gorsuch has said as much himself. In his book, he wrote, “Abortion would be ruled out by the inviolability-of-life principle I intend to set forth if, but only if, a fetus is considered a human life.” He noted that had the court “found the fetus to be a ‘person’ for purposes of the 14th Amendment, it could not have created a right to abortion because no constitutional basis exists for preferring the mother’s liberty interests over the child’s life.”

Let us give thanks to God that just like Paul, Trump has seen the light.

I don't think arguing that adultery isn't a sin, amounts to "seeing the light."

Isn't that what we hope and pray for for all pro-choicers?.. ...that they change?

You haven't noticed, have you?

It's changing. Slowly, but it's changing. More people are pro-life now and fewer pro-abortion than was the case even 10 years ago.

Looking to Caesar to do it for us won't work. But getting out there and engaging others, praying, and demonstrating will work. And is working. If you've not gotten involved on that level, get started.

We're winning. Join us.



When can we expect the "Supreme Leader" to take his own advice?

In fact "The Donald" unceremoniously fired a FBI Director for doing his job by investigating General Flynn - apparently this President feared that such an investigation would eventually lead back to him!

It all well and good to repeat 13X that your opponent should resign when she was under investigation by the FBI, BUT why has there been no mention of the "R" word since Rosenstein appointed the Mueller Investigation?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That is how the left operates.
They strain at gnats while swallowing a camel.
They will choose emotionalism over reason not matter what the cost.

When it comes to Trump, some folks will LOOK for any little reason to hate whether it is factual or not.
They will not only attack him, but will attack the women and children of his family also.

It has been on of the worst cases of political frenzy hating I've ever witnessed in my life.

Tam, I agree with you full-heartedly. The hatred coming from the 'far-left' has got to be influenced by dark forces in the spiritual realm.


Hall of Fame
What about the hatred from the 'far-right' Never Trumpers?


I know! Remember that time that Obama spread the nasty *birther* rumor about Trump and demanded to see his birth certificate?

On a more serious note, I find it highly ironic and hypocritical that anyone would demand respect for someone that has done nothing but lie about and degrade the former (and superior) POTUS as well as lying and bashing Dems/Reps/celebrities, etc. It was up to Trump to lead BY EXAMPLE.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I know! Remember that time that Obama spread the nasty *birther* rumor about Trump and demanded to see his birth certificate?.........

First of all, it was Hillary who started that when she ran against Obama in 2008, Einstein.

Second of all.... ....I'm sorry but what exactly is "nasty" about asking for a birth certificate, especially when his own relatives said he was born in Kenya? How is that nasty?

Grow up.

The Barbarian

First of all, it was Hillary who started that when she ran against Obama in 2008, Einstein.

Sounds terrible. You have a checkable source that Hillary did that? How would that justify Trump's dishonesty in following her, if you're telling the truth? But for now, let's just see your evidence that she did it.

Second of all.... ....I'm sorry but what exactly is "nasty" about asking for a birth certificate, especially when his own relatives said he was born in Kenya? How is that nasty?

Apparently, Trump thought it was. He wasn't very forthcoming when a news organization asked him for the same documents that he demanded from Obama.

Trump demanded Obama’s records. But he’s not releasing his own.

Donald Trump’s unflinching antagonism toward illegal immigration has galvanized activists who have grown to mistrust politicians on the issue, even those who have claimed to be as committed to the cause as they are.

And yet, for some, there is one nagging question that the candidate seems content to let linger — whether Trump’s Slovenian-born wife followed the law when she moved to the United States.

“Let them go wild, let it simmer, and then let’s have a little news conference,” Trump said at a rally this week, describing his strategy for handling those asking about his wife.

Mark Krikorian, a leading activist against illegal immigration, does not want to let it simmer. He wants an answer.

“Immigration is a big issue, and she is going to be first lady,” Krikorian said. “It matters.”

Years before he ran for the White House, Trump built his political brand by accusing President Obama of concealing his past. Trump called on Obama to release his college applications, transcripts and other records, asking how such a “terrible student” got into Ivy League schools. The business executive also demanded that Obama release his passport records and, most famously, his birth certificate, declaring in a video released before the 2012 election: “We know very little about our president.”
He has refused to release many of the same documents that he demanded from Obama, including college transcripts and passport records.
The questions about Melania Trump’s immigration status have emerged in the wake of newly published nude photographs of the former model.

Melania Trump has said she came to the country in 1996 on a visa that allowed her to work, but the photos were taken in New York in 1995. She met Donald Trump in 1998, and they were married in 2005. She has said she got a green card in 2001 and became a citizen in 2006.

[Many questions and few answers about how Melania Trump immigrated to the U.S.]

“I follow a law the way it’s supposed to be,” she told MSNBC earlier this year. “I never thought to stay here without papers. I had visa.

You're attacking from a very exposed position, it seems.