Verse by Verse in Galatians Chapter 2
This is the show from Thursday January 10th, 2013
* Why Was Galatians Probably the First NT Book Written? On today's program enjoy Bob Enyart's study of an important excerpt (Gal. 2:1-10) from the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Christians in Galatia. You might also enjoy hearing the lessons learned from when Bob led a group of Christians in three weeks of Bible Studies on location in Turkey, including central Turkey where the Galatians lived.
* Today's Resources: Just call 1-800-8Enyart or click through to our KGOV Store to enjoy either our Bible Tour of Turkey or Bob's study of Galatians (or both)!
This is the show from Thursday January 10th, 2013

* Why Was Galatians Probably the First NT Book Written? On today's program enjoy Bob Enyart's study of an important excerpt (Gal. 2:1-10) from the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Christians in Galatia. You might also enjoy hearing the lessons learned from when Bob led a group of Christians in three weeks of Bible Studies on location in Turkey, including central Turkey where the Galatians lived.
* Today's Resources: Just call 1-800-8Enyart or click through to our KGOV Store to enjoy either our Bible Tour of Turkey or Bob's study of Galatians (or both)!