Vanity Fair


From Trump Bible Prophecy Little Horn Beast 666.htm

'If it is true that there are no accidents with God, then Trump's recent tiff with Vanity Fair may be telling us something important about The Donald.

In John Bunyan's allegorical novel Pilgrim's Progress a never-ending fair in the town of Vanity symbolizes worldly pomp and ostentation. A president who thinks constantly about himself, his name, his brand, his reputation, and how he is perceived in the world, is stuck in Bunyan's metaphorical hell on earth. And the way Bunyan describes the denizens of Vanity Fair and their activities sounds a lot like Trump: "jugglings, cheats, games, plays, fools, apes, knaves, rogues ... thefts, adulteries, false-swearers."

For Bunyan, Vanity Fair comprised "all the worldly activities which distract Christians from salvation and lead to damnation." Hence "at risk is the Christian's immortal soul."

What Would Jesus Do?'