US Senate for Bestiality


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US Senate for Bestiality

This is the show from Wednesday December 7th, 2011.


* Homeland Insecurity: Is the Homeland Security department losing its focus. Last month they put out a bulletin about deep frying turkeys. Now they give a grant to Michigan to buy a snow cone machine.

* Alec Baldwin: Baldwin goes berserk again. This time on an American Airlines plane.

* Theology Online: TOL has many great articles and debates. On the home page today there is one on whether God is or is not in time.

* US Senate for Bestiality: Just when you thought it was safe to go outside, our "conservative" US Senate passes, by 97 to 3, in a defense authorization bill that "includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals."

* Order Alleged Today: Alleged is available from Amazon or anywhere DVDs are sold, but the best way to use your purchase to help further promote this important creation/evolution film is to pick it up from your local Walmart or to order it online and get it shipped to you or your local store using either of these pages: Walmart DVD or Walmart Blu-ray. Enjoy!

Today's Resource: If you enjoy the science you hear about on our fast-paced RSF radio shows, you'll really love the books, audio, and DVD science materials in our online store's Science Department! And this DVD, Living Fossils, by Dr. Carl Werner, is absolutely stunning! You owe it to yourself, and your loved ones, to watch this DVD! Whether a shark, leaf, or crab, living fossils are a challenge for evolutionary theorists and create a fascinating debate among scholars. Do they indicate a younger earth than thought, placing the millions of years timeline of evolution in question? Or do they represent a deep mystery?


* US Senate for Bestiality: Just when you thought it was safe to go outside, our "conservative" US Senate passes, by 97 to 3, in a defense authorization bill that "includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals."

It looks like that "consensual sex" thing is catching on. I wonder if homosexual apologists are going to insist that the beast be an "adult"?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
It looks like that "consensual sex" thing is catching on. I wonder if homosexual apologists are going to insist that the beast be an "adult"?
Well, with what's happening to the Colts this year I don't think anyone is waiting for them to be full grown horses.:eek:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Now that the pervert Boehner has decriminalized sodomy in the Army, they are looking at animals and adultery as no longer being crimes in the Army. Err, the whole DoD.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
:vomit: What was this about a slippery slope?


New member
I don't see how this implies that the US Senate is for bestiality. Are they now promoting it? Or, by not criminalizing it they are approving of it?

"For" bestiality?

Adults over age 18 can legally smoke cigarettes. Is the government then "for" smoking?

Further, couldn't a solider be prosecuted under local or state-level laws that prohibit bestiality? Anyone?


Well-known member
Sad state of regards to the bestiality......Liberty minded folks do NOT approve of bestiality cause an animal cannot consent. So this so called slippery slope in essence doesn't exist.


I don't see how this implies that the US Senate is for bestiality. Are they now promoting it? Or, by not criminalizing it they are approving of it?

"For" bestiality?

Adults over age 18 can legally smoke cigarettes. Is the government then "for" smoking?

Further, couldn't a solider be prosecuted under local or state-level laws that prohibit bestiality? Anyone?

Besides not knowing the first thing about the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Ralphie the Libertarian turns yet another thread addressing sexual perversity into a "But but but, cigarettes are unhealthly, but they're legal too!" attempt at an argument.

Pin this picture up next to your Ron Paul shrine on your bedroom wall Ralphie.



New member
I'll put you down for having no response. Just the usual obsession with stupid pictures, Ron Paul and some guy named Ralphie despite the thread having nothing to do with any of the three.

Aka spam.


I'll put you down for having no response. Just the usual obsession with stupid pictures, Ron Paul and some guy named Ralphie despite the thread having nothing to do with any of the three.

Aka spam.

Speaking of people that have a can of spam between two temples:

How do you think Texas Congressman Ron Paul will vote when this issue comes to the House of Representatives?

I'm sure that he'll vote FOR it, after all, like that destestable behavior that he doesn't think is a sin, isn't allowing our FEDERALLY EMPLOYED US Military men and women to have sex with animals a

"States Rights Issue"?


Staff member
Super Moderator
Can any of you lefties guess why PETA is silent on this issue?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Can any of you lefties guess why PETA is silent on this issue?

I'm not a leftie but, let me take a stab at it, I would assume it would be a conflict of left wing interest's for PETA to interfere. The same way that Gloria Steinem and co. were silent when they were degrading Palin as a women, you can't speak out against your own team after all. Leftie's ideals are limited that way...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Sadly our children will be in danger soon , I'm sure the NAMBLA group will be wanting equal rights to practice pedophelia next. A slippery slope indeed...:sigh: