Updates from conquered Europe


:mock: Conquered Europe

It's about time reality starts dawning on them for all that super liberal, high horsed nonsense they've slung around. There's nothing quite as annoying as European grandstanding. It's half the reason people came to America in the first place.


This women sounds mentally unstable - but the actions of one person hardly provides Americans with the justification to criticize a whole continent.

Remember Ashley Todd, the 20-year-old college student from Texas, who told investigators that in 2008 that a 6-foot-4 black man approached her from behind when she was using an a bank ATM, put a knife blade to her throat, demanded money, punched her in the back of the head and knocked her to the ground

She stated that he scratched a backward letter 'B' onto her face with a dull knife, screaming that he was going to 'teach her a lesson' for supporting the Republican presidential candidate and that 'I'll make you a Barack supporter.'

Todd had a past history of mental instability and later admitted that this was a false allegation - but does this episode provide Europeans with the "ammunition" to label all Americans as "nutbars?"

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