Nihilo, I apologize for what may appear to be putting words in your mouth? Sorry. No! That’s not the intent, even details not specified we could surely well agree on, no way to know. This is also a reason the post was not a reply, rather meant more to be another view thrown out there, though I would never apologize that both scripture and all human history protest the folly of the empire mentality, believe the opposite, as it stands, there's not enough respect for fence lines in the human community, never has been, and rather the need for different people to live together, bullying and expansionism evils.
Myself, I don’t find fantasies of use, but this is not to say disdain wishful and noble thinking. You’re entirely right the U.S. Constitution, in terms of government of man, is the best we’ve got, but 200 years is not really a long time, and there has been much that has gone on that is not exemplary, under that same Constitution. The Constitution ensuring certain freedoms dooms giving the abuse of those freedoms license, but you’re right that you’d probably ask what better way? Who’s going to determine the limits on protected speech by the Constitution, by what right and authority, for instance, that wouldn’t use that power to squash opposition, for personal, political ends? Decide what the established religion is, that wouldn’t force some so-called Christian cult or the New Age, anymore, down everybody’s throat? We’re left with living with pornography and the occult, Satanism, whatever, the alternative worse. But because that Constitution does not address or actually ensure a civilized society, safe for children, much more than any other form of government, that Constitution only works to a certain limit that, for instance, a truly righteous monarchy would excel beyond, achieving peace and a more civilized society. Of course, this would be at the cost of evildoers, and this, from the likes of man, would be me wishful thinking, like there’s going to be a substitute for God to rule in the affairs of men, that there’s such perfect men who would achieve such power, like your Constitutional world would survive intact. Then there’s the matter of the evildoers insisting their freedoms aren’t trampled on, but as if any of it really stays in Vegas.
Because the world is full of evildoers, nobody other than the Lord can do what’s required, since, even in America, it doesn’t matter what you want to believe, the people by large majority want their evils of the world, many, many where freedom is license to live an evil life, my point that, given this situation, when those same people rise to power that are corrupt in small ways, expect the beast to emerge. It has been said by many, I don’t know myself, not a Russia scholar, but that the Russian Constitution, during the Bolshevik era, was more democratic than the U.S. Constitution. Even what is on paper in law is only as good, in practical terms, as how it is abided by, obviously. That 200 years has not been 200 years of justice, sweetness and light, under the U.S. Constitution, either, men doing as they pleased for the likes of money and corrupting power, now more than ever the best government money can buy.
It seems to me you’re not factoring in just what man and the world of the Bible is, by nature, a creature which, push comes to shove, rejects law for selfish ends, all the time. Don’t kid yourself. Constitution or no Constitution, if a strong man gained a foothold even in America, he could muster up his SS and Hitler Youth, also, right here in these glorious 50 states of the Constitution. Just look at the web, how may fine, upstanding Americans blame everything on the Jews and want to get rid of the Jews, despite history, the devil alive and kicking in their black, freedom loving, Satanic little hearts. In the universe of evil ways, whatever that evil, such people are the majority. Your God fearing, Spirit filled Christian is a smaller minority than many realize, I fear, this not to say world government by Bible, as the faith is not about that, clear this won't ever happen, until the return of the Lord to rule, but to point out the limited extent of those who would agree to a universal morality to be governed this way, and the people governing are going to come from the population at large. You don’t have any shining city on a hill, if what’s shining is a neon sign that says, THE CHICKEN RANCH. Libertas could perhaps be more appropriate in New York harbor, clad in a miniskirt, with some panty showing and a cocktail in her hand?
There’s wishful thinking, then there’s reality. All I’m saying is what you’re proposing won’t work, has never worked, for these reasons, empire of any kind, by man, the flesh and devil that has dominated human history a proven dangerous course. Put it this way: it’s one of those things history proves you’d better watch what you wish for. But, again, I don’t disdain your nice ideas, even if you probably ate too much Mexican food before bedtime for them to dawn on you. (Just joking, and never mind, maybe the devil made me do it...)
Another example, while I also believe, under normal circumstances, there’s no opportunity for antichrists in America, though they already pretty much run everything, under constraint. But all it takes is martial law with the military chops behind it to make the Constitution go away, though would have to agree, with the backlash against that, the nation would go caput in civil war. But, like how all empires crash and burn, this would be a case of the Constitution crashing and burning, if some antichrist had a pretext of disaster or whatever to start making new rules and enforcing them, with the military power available to government. You aren’t going to successfully vanquish a trained army with a deer rifle or pistol, or even a bunch of AK rifles. All you’re going to be able to do is harass them, until they send SWAT guys, an armored vehicle or a shell your way. Also, can you imagine the number of people who thought “can’t happen” in Germany? You think they’d have attended a Hitler speech, if they had a clue? You think German law prescribed a Hitler? What happened to German law, despite German law, that supposedly protected everybody, including Jews? How do you say, “It couldn’t happen!”, in German?
Lastly, an old saying, regarding empires and egos, “The higher they rise, the harder they fall.” But I’d not argue with your intentions, which seem honorable, just have strongly differing ideas, just want you to know you seem like a nice enough and intelligent guy. No disrespect meant. I sometimes say things more strident than I should that aren’t meant personally, or I’d have replied to you, specifically. I also like nice thoughts, though only find those useful that are practical. I wish there were no mosquitoes, but darned it that will help anybody to not get bitten by one.