The story made World Net Daily today. You can see photo copies of the permit at the link below:
Mega-deception at mega-clinics!
Permits for work on abortion facility list United Airlines as owner
Posted: November 6, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2007
The Weitz Co., a nationwide construction entity hired to build Planned Parenthood's newest mega-abortion clinic in Denver, has listed United Airlines as the property owner on city permits for work on the 52,000-square-foot project, documents assembled by pro-life activists reveal.
Officials for the Weitz Co. declined to respond to WND's request for comments. But both Denver and United Airlines confirmed that the property was owned by United, then sold to a company set up by Planned Parenthood in January 2007.
United's Megan McCarthy issued a terse: "United Airlines sold the building in question to a real estate firm on January 11, 2007. We do not own this property."
And Sarah Moss, with the city, said her initial inquiries showed United sold the property to Fuller 38 LLC at that time.
Neither the city nor United commented immediately on the appropriateness of listing United as the owner when it no longer was connected to the property, or whether there would be penalties for providing incorrect information.
The apparent deception follows by only weeks the revelations that Planned Parenthood set up a front company, Gemini Office Development, in Aurora, Ill., to conceal from city officials and neighbors the nature and operations of what has opened as a mega-clinic abortion business there.
According to documentation from WND columnist Jill Stanek as well as leaders of Colorado Right to Life, in Denver Planned Parenthood set up a front company called Fuller 38 to assemble its mega-clinic. But the permits obtained by the Weitz company from the city of Denver listed United as the property owner.
A Denver city permit issued for work on a property owned by an organization set up by Planned Parenthood, but listing United Airlines as the owner
According to the documents, Planned Parenthood set up Fuller 38 LLC in December 2006 and within weeks it purchased for $1.35 million from United the parcel of land and building at 7155 East 38th Ave.
It remained a stealth project until August, when local reporters found out and "outed" the plans for the building.
"Planned Parenthood CEOs in both Denver and Chicago have stated they kept PP's name out of the construction process as long as possible to keep pro-lifers from interfering," Stanek wrote. "But does that give them license to lie on permit documents? And what about the right of subcontractors and workers to make the 'choice' not to help build this abortion monstrosity?"
Officials with Weitz earlier brushed off any criticism of their work in building an abortion clinic, with Gary Meggison, senior vice president of the company's Rocky Mountain office, telling local reporters, "We're more resolved than ever to build this facility and get it completed."
Will Duffy, a spokesman with Colorado Right to life, said the demolition permit in May and the construction permit in October both say the building is owned by "United Airlines Inc., PO Box 66100, Chicago, Ill., 60686."
"The city told us Weitz is responsible for putting who owns the building on the permit," he told WND.
Another Colorado Right to Life spokesman, Keith Mason, said the big question that remains under investigation is whether the use of United Airlines' name on the permits violated any rules or regulations.
Also remaining to be answered are questions about what the contractor told subcontractors about their project.
Meggison told reporters earlier that his company told workers who may have had moral concerns that they didn't have to work there, and none bowed out. He said his company was up-front about the nature of the work.
However, at least two companies told Duffy that they had been told specifically they were working on a United Airlines project, and were horrified to learn it was an abortion mill.
"The first company we contacted, they had no clue they were working for Planned Parenthood," Duffy told WND. That company had completed its work, and would refuse to bid on further work, he said.
The second company, Haynes Mechanical, said it was told it was working for United, although a separate company called Fuller 38 was writing the checks. A spokesman, when told of the nature of Fuller 38's plans, confirmed his company no longer would bid on work on the project.
"I've finished my investigation and we're no longer on the project," the spokesman told Duffy.
Abortion protesters recently marched in front of the home of Meggison to oppose the $6.4 million project. They met neighbors who defended Meggison's work.
"His job is what his job is. If anything, this has galvanized neighbors in support (of Meggison)," Sarah Hopfenbeck told local reporters.
"Does this sound like Aurora deja vu?" asked Stanek in her latest column update. "This was no fluke."
Leslie Durgin, an executive with the regional office of the nation's largest abortion provider, said she had anticipated protests.
The stealth approach by Planned Parenthood has been adopted after community reaction in Austin, Texas, in 2003, where completion of a Planned Parenthood project was delayed because contractors who objected to the group's moral agenda walked off the work.
On the Colorado Right to Life website, officials were asking readers to contact United Airlines and express opposition to the use of the company's name.
In Aurora, Ill., Mayor Tom Weisner said although the company was not "forthright" in its dealings, there were no legal grounds on which to prevent the mega-clinic's ultimate opening.
Alderman Rick Lawrence, however, promise the issue would be revisited. There, a 22,000-square-foot facility was supposed to open in September, but city officials delayed that several weeks when it was revealed that Planned Parenthood willfully concealed its intentions for the building from local residents and officials.
After admitting the project was sought under the corporate name of Gemini Office Development in order to hide its identity from pro-life protesters, Planned Parenthood officials said there was no intent to mislead or defraud.
As WND reported earlier, that situation already has prompted one lawsuit, a libel action over statements by the Planned Parenthood executive accusing peaceful pro-life activists of having a record of advocating violence.
The lawsuit was announced by the Thomas More Society of Chicago, whose chief counsel, Tom Brejcha, told WND the action is on behalf of pro-life protesters who are opposing the mega-clinic abortion facility in suburban Aurora.
Stanek's blog said Aurora residents who took part in a 40-day prayer vigil over Planned Parenthood's plans to open the mega-clinic will be listed as plaintiffs.
Stanek reports that the lawsuit comes in response to a Sept. 4 letter by Chicago Planned Parenthood executive Steve Trombley to aldermen in Aurora, a letter he also sent to the Aurora Beacon newspaper.
In that document, he said "those who oppose" the mega-clinic have a "well-documented history of advocating violence against both persons and property."
The letter was an attempt to persuade city officials to grant a permanent certificate of occupancy for the mega-clinic, despite the fact Planned Parenthood deceived city officials during the process of obtaining zoning and building permits.
"That's an outright smear," Brejcha told WND.
The Weitz Co., founded by 1855 by a German immigrant and now ranks among the largest few dozen general building contractors in the U.S. with about a $1 billion in annual business.