Understanding 'Fomenting Extremism'


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Understanding “Fomenting Extremism” As An Islamic Complaint
Marcus Sanford, ask@interplans.net
December 2015

In the past month, the world has seen the clash of views that are going to shape the West for some time. Here are the basic external facts:

1, the Paris attack
2, the Paris climate conference
3, the San Bernadino attack
4, the record US snow-cover dated Dec. 1

When the San Bernadino attack took place, there was an unusual step taken by CAIR which claims to be “the” spokes- organization about Islam in the US. They did a press conference to assert that Islam is a religion of peace, and had the brother there to say how surprised he was. I would not say he was emotionally-convincing, but you be the judge of that. He was cerebral, making sure he hit the marks of his script.

But what CAIR does not realize is that this is not what we needed to hear. In fact, it just perpetuates the torture of living with the conflicted reality that is essential to al-taqia (strategic deception) in Islam: that the follower can do anything he wants to strategically protect Islam until he makes his move.

We saw this in Paris when the ‘party girl’ of the group was found to have a string of lovers and a frequenter of several edgy Paris bars. Not exactly the strict Islamic image, but definitely al-taqia.

Because of al-taqia, there is no point to the CAIR presser. The only thing we want to hear from these people is a validation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution; specifically: that theocracy is wrong.

Not only does Obama not visit Paris to grieve (I’m not aware of him doing so even 17 days later when he took 4x the allotted time to speak about ‘climate change’), he does not visit San Bernadino. ‘Climate change’ is so much more important.

Now the complaint about ‘climate change’ is about the harm to the poorer countries. This, yes this, is the source driving ‘extremism,’ they say. This is the ‘logic’ of Bernie Sanders, saying that ‘climate change’ is bigger than what happened in Paris (presumably even if that happened 100x!). It might even be ‘bigger’ than Nazism.

But wait. Is this what CAIR meant when it put forth its LA spokesperson two days later (since the same-day presser was such a flub) to say that the West ‘foments extremism’? Notice he was in LA, not Paris, and notice that he said nothing about the climate.

Maybe that’s because the day before, the news came out that Dec. 1 2015 was now just an edge ahead of 2009 and 2005 as the most snow-covered US Dec 1’s of weather history.

But that is not quite it again. So now we can come to the real agony or tension driving the Muslim. The West, especially the US, does not ‘do’ theocracy which is what shari’a law and halal are. Chrisianity generally has learned this; Islam does not have a clue.

When a Mr. CAIR shows up on TV with his complaint that the West or the 10-40s or the US is ‘driving extremism,’ he does not mean immigration or poverty or climate change. He is imamifying and saying that shari’a law and halal are being violated wholesale. He means that society is ‘uncovered’ by being pluralistic. He means that women are claiming to be raped without the required 4 male witnesses against the man.

“They want chaos and mayhem so that US security systems collapse” says Robert Spencer, watching jihad for two decades. They don’t care how many lives are lost, theirs or others, they have to get rid of pluralism and the US Constitution.

The munitions plant in that San Bernadino house means that the Leftist press and professors who immediately echoed the all-knowing Hillary and her ‘more gun control’ plea are part of the Islamic attack. Islam is attacking the places that have the ‘gun-free’ zone signs.

So we can now see how clearly Islam is attacking the 1st two Amendments of the US Constitution: pluralism and the right to bear arms.

That is what the 4 external news facts are about. The imaginary problem of ‘climate change’ is designed to make us not think about it, in the same way as a plastering of news about a celebrity’s pregnancy.

The Left is not using Islam; Islam is using the Left in America to defeat the Constitution.

Marcus Sanford’s novels and motion-picture scripts are at Amazon.com. He recently completed DELUGE OF SUSPICION in which a leading geologist is faced with the reality of recent, convulsive geology ‘hidden in plain sight’ in a personal way.
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It takes more work and thinking, but if people don't realize that pluralism and the right to arms are the targets of Islam, they are going to spend time on facial types and genetics and 'looks' like the new threads here at TOL over at Politics.