Unchangeable sexual attraction? A hypothesis


New member
I've heard people say many times that there is no way they could ever feel attracted to the same sex. I feel the same way. I can't imagine ever feeling that way.

I've wondered if my mind would ever change if I ever rejected or out right hated God. I think my attention to women is God given. If I ever hated God, I could see myself subconsciously seeing same sex attraction as the ultimate rebellion against God. If this hatred of God stemmed from huge pain, I can see my subconscious mind losing its natural disgust for same sex attraction. Emotions are a powerful force and hate is particularly powerful and damaging to the mind and spirit.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I've heard people say many times that there is no way they could ever feel attracted to the same sex.

ah yes, the argument of the retarded - often given voice here by artie and the poster formerly known as tracerbullet

and easily refuted with the following

there is no way I could ever feel like being an adulterer
there is no way I could ever feel like being a thief
there is no way I could ever feel like being a murderer

because I know those things are wrong

same things with all perversions of God's Will, God's plan for us as humans