U fake Christians need 2 stop whining if not willing to DO something

I'm sick of whining Christians who bemoan the way the world is ("Oh, it's the anti-Christ!" etc) but are not willing to do even the simplest thing to make the world a better, more Christian place. I am not listening to you, and i don't think any other reasonable person, Christian or otherwise, is either.

One half hour out of your day in November? That's too much to ask?

It probably wouldn't even take a half hour, but even if it took much longer than that, you are a total hypocrite if you don't vote for the Christian candidate running, Ted Cruz.

Until and unless you do that, i am not listening to you about anything. You have lost all credibility with me and plenty of others

What if Cruz isn't the GOP candidate when November comes around?

i would have to vote for the one chosen, but if it is Trump--I am just totally NOT kidding here, i believe i would consider the one on hte other side

i doubt that will be Hillary. You can say what u want about Sanders but at least he appears to have SOME integrity. There is no FBI investigation of him. Some of his ideas are truly unAmerican, untenable, unworkable, and even unethical, but--for one thing, @ least we know where he stands (etc)

OOOOOOOOOOHHH! WOW, unbelievable!


Establishment governor (Nikki Haley) endorses establishment candidate (Rubio)!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa! HUGE shocker!

Will we ever get over it?!

Meanwhile, true conservatives like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh support the only real conservative running, Ted Cruz


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm sick of whining Christians who bemoan the way the world is ("Oh, it's the anti-Christ!" etc) but are not willing to do even the simplest thing to make the world a better, more Christian place. I am not listening to you, and i don't think any other reasonable person, Christian or otherwise, is either.

One half hour out of your day in November? That's too much to ask?

It probably wouldn't even take a half hour, but even if it took much longer than that, you are a total hypocrite if you don't vote for the Christian candidate running, Ted Cruz.

Until and unless you do that, i am not listening to you about anything. You have lost all credibility with me and plenty of others


A "non Christian" can do the simplest thing to make the world a better.

OOOOOOOOOOHHH! WOW, unbelievable!


Establishment governor (Nikki Haley) endorses establishment candidate (Rubio)!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa! HUGE shocker!

Will we ever get over it?!

Meanwhile, true conservatives like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh support the only real conservative running, Ted Cruz

Rubio is dishonest, and overly ambitious.

He got elected promising to do something about illegals and totally flipped & joined with the liberal Schumer to go against his campaign promise

He wants you to forget about that and vote for him.. don't think so. Establishment is out this time. Corrupt is out. Liar is out

we're sick of you people in Club Washington

Jose Fly

New member

i would have to vote for the one chosen, but if it is Trump--I am just totally NOT kidding here, i believe i would consider the one on hte other side

i doubt that will be Hillary. You can say what u want about Sanders but at least he appears to have SOME integrity. There is no FBI investigation of him. Some of his ideas are truly unAmerican, untenable, unworkable, and even unethical, but--for one thing, @ least we know where he stands (etc)


Ok, thanks for answering.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

i would have to vote for the one chosen, but if it is Trump--I am just totally NOT kidding here, i believe i would consider the one on hte other side

i doubt that will be Hillary. You can say what u want about Sanders but at least he appears to have SOME integrity. There is no FBI investigation of him. Some of his ideas are truly unAmerican, untenable, unworkable, and even unethical, but--for one thing, @ least we know where he stands (etc)


This country needs a strong leader. I believe Trump should
be the one.


New member
I'm sick of whining Christians who bemoan the way the world is ("Oh, it's the anti-Christ!" etc) but are not willing to do even the simplest thing to make the world a better, more Christian place. I am not listening to you, and i don't think any other reasonable person, Christian or otherwise, is either.

One half hour out of your day in November? That's too much to ask?

It probably wouldn't even take a half hour, but even if it took much longer than that, you are a total hypocrite if you don't vote for the Christian candidate running, Ted Cruz.

Until and unless you do that, i am not listening to you about anything. You have lost all credibility with me and plenty of others


He says too many stupid things....not voting for him.

I also believe that no true christian would ever run for the white house... we have better things to do for the body of Christ than get in bed with snakes.


"Vote for this person or you're not a real Christian!"

Now that's some propaganda for you.
Why not add a bit of fire and brimstone in there :chuckle:

Want my personal opinion? Voting for someone based on their religious standing is foolish. And as well, part of America's downfall is in the sole dependence on voting for a president being the cure-all of this country. It's a shame that this 'half hour' to 'go and vote' once a decade is all one perceives as having any influence on the country.
....put not your trust in princes

America has slid back as much under the Rs as the Ds

True, that is why we need Ted Cruz for president. He is the ONLY One talking about this (what you say here). He is the only one criticizing both Rs and Ds, to speak of, and not only criticizing them but going against them @ every turn in the Senate. Most of their bills are just absolutely HIDEOUS. Club Washington does not care about We the People. They probably think we are all a bunch of stupid muck-ups who deserve them stealing our money and using it to abuse and tyrannize us
