Two obtuse candidates, but the Left seeks to subsume the US Constitution


Well-known member
It is the Left that has closed minds and patrols campuses with its PC thought police. And we know Hilary is their guy with all the propped up crises funded by Soros, so what is the question?

The "open letter" by the Gulf vet to the Kahns (at Fox news) puts the attention back on being a Constitutional American, which Islam refuses to do. And on the fact that jihadists, not Trump, is who killed their son. The Left's similarity and co-opting of jihadism is what is creepy here, and why it is never identified as the enemy.


New member
I think the right is its own worse enemy here and is fueling the left in a big way.

Religion is TOLERATED by the constitution, not endorsed. The founding fathers found religion to be useful for the public good but we should never forget that the constitution is the supreme authority in this country, not someones interpretation of the scripture.

The religious right, but getting involved in politics has poisoned the well and has unknowingly opened the door to sharia and other religious practices that subvert the constitution.


New member
Trump seems to have no sense of the separation of powers. It'd be hard to make a case from what he says that he's going to be any more supportive of the constitution.

Then again, given the way he says anything that pops into his head, it'd be hard to make a coherent case for much of anything.
They use any incident of gun violence to try and chip away at the Second Amendment. They use homosexuals to try and chip away at the First Amendment, freedom of speech, declaring anything anti-homo, like Romans 1, hate speech, also thereby trying to chip away at free exercise of religion. Their Satanic darlings, the Muslims, chip away at all freedom and help create chaos, which they hope leads to Big Brother stepping in to keep you safe, thereby negating the Fourth Amendment, as already they've demonstrated their lack of regard for warrants.

It's all orchestrated by Satan, who has a lot of stooges on his payroll a lot of you, actually, love. In America, the Bill of Rights, which was the result of Christians demanding a Bill of Rights during our founding, has had the devil's shorts in a bunch: it's hard to violate you, when you have God-given, inalienable rights, encoded into law. This is why liberals have Christians and believers in the Constitution on their terror watch list. Heaven forbid, you may show up at a mall and hand out gospel leaflets, tell a homo or Muslim they have a problem, the scarist thing of all to shine a light on sin and evil.

John 3

19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.


Trump seems to have no sense of the separation of powers. It'd be hard to make a case from what he says that he's going to be any more supportive of the constitution.

Then again, given the way he says anything that pops into his head, it'd be hard to make a coherent case for much of anything.

Well said: According to Donald Trump: He is the one that is going to fix everything. It was the Constitution of the United States and the God-fearing people who wrote it and believed in it that made this nation great, not some secular humanist ego maniac like Donald Trump.

The Horn

How is "the left" ,whatever that is , trying to defy the Constitution ? The university campuses with speech codes are not even typical of all liberals .
To the right, the Constitution is whatever THEY say it is . They use it as an excuse to foster their regressive right-wing agenda . If they disapprove of something, they disingenuously claim that the Constitution mandates its illegality. If they want to make something mandatory in America, they do the same. It must be required because THEY want it .
The theocrats of the GOP use the Constitution use it as an excuse to deny rights to gay people, even though it says absolutely nothing about rights based on sexual orientation. Rights should not even have anything to do with sexual orientation in the first place , but the right wants to tell gay people they cannot get married, serve in the military , join the Boy Scouts , adopt or raise children etc . The right refuses to make laws which make it illegal to fire someone from a job merely for being gay , which is reprehensible in the extreme. This is only the tip of the iceberg of how the right abuses the Constitution for its own ulterior motives . It's still legal in 29 U.S. states to fire someone from a job merely for being gay.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison