Donald Chump is the two-faced one . Actually, three, four, five, and ten faced , because he's all things to all people and tells every body what they want to hear .
He's not really a homophobic bigot, but he promises right-wingers and members of the religious right legislation to deprive gay people of rights , just to win their support and votes .
He isn't really anti-choice, but but he's said that women who have abortions should be "punished", just to gain support and votes from the anti-choice movement .
He's openly declared before deciding to run that Hillary Clinton is a fine stateswoman and highly qualified to be President, and now he's attacking her as corrupt ,mendacious and not fit to be President .
He's declared that the U.S. economy does better under Democratic Presidents . And this is just the tip of the iceberg of how monumentally dishonest the Chumpster is . And Bernie Sanders is "two-faced "? ROFLOL !