Turning the World up side down:

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If you all truly believed there was a GOD, the only discussion would be between the Christians and the Atheists. There would be no divisions among any of you except for the Atheists. --- That is “IF” YOU ALL truly believed in Jesus Christ, and that there was truly a God. ----- 1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV - BY THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.----- That says, “BY THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUES CHRIST”. ----- WHOSE LORD? – Not the divided’s Lord. - That contradicts with God, The world contradicts with God, and the divided are the world. – Now, let’s see! – Every one who is of a different mind than what fits perfectly with the Truth are of the world and LOST. – LOOK AT YOURSELVES! ---- Read the Book, --- well, no, you wouldn’t believe it either.

Acts 17:6 KJV ---- “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also”.

You who call yourselves Christians, say, “We walk by Faith”, when Faith is for those who are walking toward Christ in darkness. – There is “Faith, Light, and Knowledge”. - Are they the same? NO! – Faith is not KNOWING where you are, but you are following the guidance of the Lord’s CALLING. -- ( AM I WRONG )? - PROVE IT!
Light and Knowledge are the same thing, and not Faith. Christ is the Light, and Christ walks in the Light / Knowledge. -- 1 John 1:7 KJV ----- SO! – Does Christ walk by Faith? – NO! – Christ KNOWS where he is and whether or not we are in him. - We KNOW we are IN CHRIST’S SANCTUARY, the Church, the BODY of Christ. Not by Faith, but by Knowledge. ---- Prove me wrong, wise guys! --- 1 John 2:3 KJV –
Where’s Faith then? Faith is taught in darkness to the Lost, by the Light. – “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not”. --- What saith God then? -- “But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. --- NOT SOME OF YOU, COME ON! – He didn’t say the dishonest heart of darkness and division!

SOO! – What about, “WE LIVE BY FAITH? – Yes, by Faith, I live and walk in the Knowledge of Christ. – By Faith, I gained Life. – By Faith, I walked into Jesus Christ which is that LIFE that I LIVE. – Christ is our guide unto the Salvation, he was our Faith, but now I don’t have to just believe that he is, I KNOW THAT HE IS, and that “I AM”.

You have Faith that there are ANGELS, but you are not an ANGEL. -- YOU “KNOW” ME NOT, and I know you not whence ye are. ---- CHRISTIAN! – LIKE CHRIST?. – 1 John 3:2 KJV - Beloved, now are we the Sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but WE KNOW THAT, WHEN HE SHALL APPEAR, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM; for we shall see him as he is”. ----- Did that say that we shall have “FAITH” that, when he shall appear? – NO! It said that we shall KNOW, and ALL KNOWLEDGE comes from the Tree of Life, and YOU MISSED IT. ------- PROVE ME WRONG, all you Theologians of you own god! --- Who’s up side down? --- God created the world right side up, and man, the fool, has turned God’s world up side down. - I am just offering you the New World created by Christ right side up. – The gates of hell cannot touch the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Here is another blasphemy. --- I will not allow one Christian to undergo the judgment of Hell. – You will allow yourselves to go into that judgment. – If anyone believes in Christ, let them also believe in you, you who are divided among yourselves!-? --- I AM, the only one, and I have no brothers among any of you, You see me as a natural man, but how does the Father see his Son? God has only ONE SON. --- Prove me wrong!

We are either Angels of Christ, or the Demons / Angels of the Devil. There is none other here on this Earth. Either you are sent by Christ, or I AM sent. - “And of the Angels he saith, who maketh his Angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire”. --- What is that fire? – “A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him”. --- The Word of God is fire to the lost, and Water of Life to the saved.

Who among you is going to DENY that you are in heavenly places through Christ, and that Christ is here on the earth through YOU? --- John 14:18 KJV – “I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU”. --- The Comforter is the Church / the Body of Christ, and Christ is not going to depart his own Body. - Christ’s Body is here, the way he promised he’d come: - BY WAY OF THE CROSS. – That started on Pentecost, and he was fully come with John’s revelation. --- COME ON! - Give it to me, and PROVE ME WRONG ALL YOU SO CALLED Christians.

If you have to study in order to post a Thread, you are not a minister of Christ, and you have not been sent by the Lord to teach. You attempt to teach in your own names, not in the name of Christ. --- I have never studied a topic to post the first Thread on TOL. – And still, none of you can prove me wrong. – Call me a liar if you choose.

Paul – 092310


New member
Did I say they did?

However, it's obvious that they can't believe me, and they make that well known which within itself gives reference to lying.

Paul -- 092310

did you think of getting out of your trailer, going down to the swamp and doin' a bit of fishing? you might get a bowfin, or a gar or something.

maybe get into a bit of conversation with them. take your mind off this nonsense thats swirlin' around making you crazy.

or better not try to talk to them, they wont believe you and that means they are accusin' you of lyin', and then you'll have to dynamite the bayou.


New member
I think that he needs a WIFE.

I want to see him straighten her out.

Pr 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing,

and obtaineth favour of the LORD.


New member
I think that he needs a WIFE.

I want to see him straighten her out.

Pr 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing,

and obtaineth favour of the LORD.

You must hate women, to wish that on anyone.

I kinda suspect you do hate women

probably because they are way too smart for you, and stay way clear of you.


New member
The cultural weakness that goes with ignorant and backward religiosity made it easy for the Chinese to move on Tibet.

There's a lesson in that.

There is no lesson in anything that the world has to offer. Only that it is bringing the judgment of God upon the United States and the rest of the world. - China will go down in flames with all the rest; - not fall off. – There is no falling of the New Earth. - That’s not guessing, it’s TRUTH. -- You’re guessing.

Paul – 092910


New member
There is no lesson in anything that the world has to offer. Only that it is bringing the judgment of God upon the United States and the rest of the world. - China will go down in flames with all the rest; - not fall off. – There is no falling of the New Earth. - That’s not guessing, it’s TRUTH. -- You’re guessing.

Paul – 092910

You are a perfect example of the backward ignorant and culturally weak who will not inherit anything but a weak footnote in history.

You were probably a perfectly normal little kid at one time, its too bad you got infected with that brain worm religion.


New member
You are a perfect example of the backward ignorant and culturally weak who will not inherit anything but a weak footnote in history.

You were probably a perfectly normal little kid at one time, its too bad you got infected with that brain worm religion.

I’m not a part of any religion. -- All the present day churches are different religions. - Just when do you think I began?

I’m just Christian, and all that goes with it. - You must just be antichrist and nothing else.

Paul – 092910


New member
I’m not a part of any religion. -- All the present day churches are different religions. - Just when do you think I began?

I’m just Christian, and all that goes with it. - You must just be antichrist and nothing else.

Paul – 092910

part of schmart of. you are obsessed with religion, and its like a brain virus. i feel sorry for you, in a way, but there's no help for it.

No, im not "anti" christ. thats silly. its like being 'anti flying saucer".

there are some real smart sensible christians, who dont let it take over their lives and make them crazy. i wonder what happened to you?


New member
part of schmart of. you are obsessed with religion, and its like a brain virus. i feel sorry for you, in a way, but there's no help for it.

No, im not "anti" christ. thats silly. its like being 'anti flying saucer".

there are some real smart sensible christians, who dont let it take over their lives and make them crazy. i wonder what happened to you?

You speak in ideas. - All you people have diffrent IDEAS about what you speak. --- Learn a systen of some sort, that can be confronted. You can change your words at randon, but I must stick to the Scriptures.

Paul -- 093010
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