TSA Agent Covers Man In Urine
This is the show from Wednesday November 24th, 2010.
* Opt Out of Screening! Get Wet Instead: A TSA agent covers a man in his own urine; a woman goes through security in a bikini; a man goes through in a speedo; and the airports are generally being turned into zoos by the government. Bob talks about the confused governments of the world that end up treating their citizens like prisoners, and how a biblical worldview qualifies Christians to speak to public policy issues. "And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this law..." Deuteronomy 4:8! Regarding deterrence, government focuses too much on "can't commit crime" and insufficiently on "won't commit crime." Can't is completely unachievable; won't is achievable.
Today’s Resource: BEL CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Please consider getting your Christmas gifts right here at our KGOV Store! We have something for everyone! For kids, science lovers, Bible students, novices, unbelievers & soul winners, TV show fans and fanatics, travelers, debaters, parents, major couch potatoes, seminarians, activists, wimps, law enforcement officials, readers, Jehovah's Witnesses, teenagers, those suffering, evolutionists, pro-lifers, atheists, Eugenie Scott, and theologians. Just click on any of those links to take you to departments in our KGOV Store, or call us at 800-8Enyart 1-800-836-9278 Free shipping now till Christmas!
This is the show from Wednesday November 24th, 2010.
One of the things we need to do is to tell the oil exporting nations, the Arab ones, the Muslim nations that we are going to seek to defund them by becoming energy independent and we'd have a 10 year plan to build 2 nuclear power plants in each state so that we will not need to import foreign oil. We had a 10 year plan to go to the moon. We accomplished that. This is a lot easier. That would put the fear of God into those Arab nations and Muslim oil exporting nations. And we would tell them that we are taking this course as a way to pressure the Arab and Muslim world to itself put a stop to terrorism. To make terrorism so unbearable for Arab and Muslim nations that those nations would stop it at its source.
* Opt Out of Screening! Get Wet Instead: A TSA agent covers a man in his own urine; a woman goes through security in a bikini; a man goes through in a speedo; and the airports are generally being turned into zoos by the government. Bob talks about the confused governments of the world that end up treating their citizens like prisoners, and how a biblical worldview qualifies Christians to speak to public policy issues. "And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this law..." Deuteronomy 4:8! Regarding deterrence, government focuses too much on "can't commit crime" and insufficiently on "won't commit crime." Can't is completely unachievable; won't is achievable.
Today’s Resource: BEL CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Please consider getting your Christmas gifts right here at our KGOV Store! We have something for everyone! For kids, science lovers, Bible students, novices, unbelievers & soul winners, TV show fans and fanatics, travelers, debaters, parents, major couch potatoes, seminarians, activists, wimps, law enforcement officials, readers, Jehovah's Witnesses, teenagers, those suffering, evolutionists, pro-lifers, atheists, Eugenie Scott, and theologians. Just click on any of those links to take you to departments in our KGOV Store, or call us at 800-8Enyart 1-800-836-9278 Free shipping now till Christmas!