Try Me, I'm Jesus- Part 1


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8. Thou SHALL NOT attempt to redirect members to another forum, website, or blog. (Profile and signature links may be allowed with administrator approval.) Using our PM system to redirect members to other forums or websites is also a bannable offense.


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Thou shalt not enter into dialogue with Truster because he is a master liar who was trained under the even higher master liar of John Calvin the French Nazi.


I identify as a Christian
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This link is not a forum where people can post. I don't see how this link is harmful in its content either. I am going to let it slide.


Well-known member
Today I am joined by my dear friend Pastor Syed. Syed is the author of the book "Try Me, I'm Jesus" as well as the head of the Isa for Muslims Ministry. Today he comes on the program to share with us how Jesus took him from being a devout Muslim to a devout Christian who now evangelizes to Muslims. It's a testimony of heartache and triumph. Please enjoy:
Is this the same Pastor Saed that was imprisoned until this year?


New member
Try Me, I'm Jesus- Part 1

I apologize to everyone if I caused strife by posting a link to a podcast episode. Know that I would never post a link to another discussion, forum, or something inappropriate. I thoroughly enjoy having conversations with people on this forum and strive to only links to something I either believe will be encouraging for people or will be something thought provoking.

Thank you to Sherman for looking into the link and realizing that it wasn't anything harmful.

I pray you all are encouraged by my friends testimony about how he came to Christ.

God bless,
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