TRUTH IS! Each and every "biblical" translation is biased and perverted!


New member
TRUTH IS! Each and every "biblical" translation is biased and perverted in accordance with the worldly and/or religious views of the translator(s)!

And why call The Scriptures "the bible"?

For a right and proper "title" would be "The Word of TRUTH"! (James 1:18)

Yet because of the bias and perversion evident in the more than 100 english translations of "The Word of TRUTH" a warning needs be given which states (This translation is not free from the bias and perversion evident in each and every translation of "The Word of TRUTH")!

And the kjv is the leader of the pack!

Pagan catholicism most certainly had her way with her #1 daughter, the aptly named "church OF england"!

So it is three headed pagan god's abound.......


HE DID! and HE does.......



New member
Come ye near unto ME, hear ye this;
I have not spoken in secret from the beginning;
from the time that it was, there am I
and now the Lord GOD, and his Spirit, hath sent ME.

Isaiah 48:16


Eclectic Theosophist
all 'translations' are second thought representations......

all 'translations' are second thought representations......


I would agree that Truth IS,.....meaning 'truth' defined as 'reality' being the essential source of existence and all its manifestations. This ontological reality is Self-evident, is unqualified, absolute, ever-present. It is what is :)

Also note that every 'translation' of a text, especially from another language suffers some form of 'distortion' thru the very process of 'translation' (note that translation means a 'change' more or less), so a 'translation' is just that....a trans-lation. If you would know the original sense, meaning or value of the text, you would study the original language first that it was written in, then try to bear the original intention thru a different language-form (note, the translation process fosters a 'transformation' of meaning more or less). Every dimension or level of 'translation' undergoes further 'distortion' via its own process. So, what do you have? - the challenge is coming at the nearest or best representation of the original logos, but it is still symbolic language.

We could play with the issue of 'versions' too,.....a 'version' is just a 'version'....NEVER the original. So,....looks like you're back on auto-loop, with your English versions of Hebrew/greek writings, so are not better or worse, apart from your own opinion of what 'version' best suits your 'grammatical sense' or 'theology',.....'cherry pick' as you please :)

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