It's apparent you do not understand what the FED is. It is a central bank which controls all money flow in the US. It is completely independent of all Congressional oversight and independent of all government power unless Congress can be pushed into revoking it's charter. It is made up of foreign banking powers like the Paysuers and Rothchilds. I recommend that you read G. Edward Griffin's book The Creature from Jekyll Island if you really want to understand what it is, who it is, what it really does, and what it's real agenda is. Since it was put in place in 1913 it has devalued our currency from a dollar actually having 100 pennies of real wealth behind it in the form of gold and silver, to it now being worth approximately 1 penny. They have done that in a little over 100 years. In the approximately 150 years before it's creation the US dollar had doubled in real value. In other words the purchasing power of the dollar had doubled. It's now at about 1% of what it was when the FED was given the power to control it.
Before the FED our money had real value behind it. You could take a dollar bill to a bank and get the same value in gold in exchange. Now our money is created out of thin air by creating more debt. It is literally not worth the paper it is printed on. Every time they have created a boom and then a bust they have created a massive transfer of wealth from the citizenry to themselves. The larger and longer the boom and then the following depression the more they transfer wealth to themselves. And they have been doing this world wide for hundreds of years.
The central banks of the world have done this to every nation on earth. They have bankrupted all of us. Our global debt is $250 trillion+. There isn't enough money in existence to pay off the world debt. The debt is so big the entire house of cards could come down at any time, and it's what the central banks have planned and worked towards for decades. The banking system in Europe is into negative interest rates. The ECB is printing money like it's going out of style and there are multiple nations in severe economic trouble there.
The people back of the central banks have done this for a reason. They want absolute power and control over all of us. They want us back into the days of royalty and serfs and with that end in mind they have been skimming off the real wealth for a long, long time. Ever wonder why the IMF and World Bank keep on making loans to bankrupt countries? They do it because the money is basically worthless. It doesn't cost them anything. What they want is the interest off the loans for the interest is real. It comes from the production of people and has real valuie. Thus the banks around the world keep on skimming the cream off the top and leaving nothing of substance for the rest of us.
These are not nice people. They despise we commoners and think they were born to rule us with an iron hand.
If you want to see where the US is headed take a look at Venezuela. We are headed to the same place. If you don't believe all this read G. Edward Griffin's book. He lays out their entire scam in clear detail.
Considering what you wrote above, I assume you are wearing a tin hat, most of the time?
Very little of what you said above is true. Very little! The Federal reserve just doesn't have the power it once did.
Example: In the 1970s, it took 30 days for the Fed to know how much money was in M1 accounts on that day. That information 30 days later was worthless. Today we all know at every moment of every day how much money is in circulation. In essence we have the information they have, so they have no advantage over us.
Example: Inflation to a large extent is a thing of the past. If your under 40, you have no idea of what real inflation is. That alone has taken almost all the power away from the Federal Reserve. Inflation can only happen when there is large sums of borrowed money being used in productive ways. Thanks to Dodd/Frank that is not ever likely to happen again, as it did in the 70s.
The gold standard was never a good idea and it is an especially bad idea today. Gold fluctuates more than almost any commodity extremely bad as a basis for a currency. Gold bugs, never think it through, thinking is painful for them as it rejects their world view.
Creating money of thin air or better known as "by fiat". Is the way to go, has been and will be forever the way to go. At this point in history, you can trade your dollars for about 100 currencies, if you don't like dollars and, guess what you can buy gold with your dollars, and no one will stop you, as it use to be illegal to own gold, I think in the 30s. Now if your a gold bug, hey buy gold it is easy and it is your choice.
Back to the Fed. The saving grace for this country is that fact that the Fed is private. Could you imagine if the Government could print money for their own use?????
The saving grace for the world and the USA is that the Federal government really can't borrow money form the central bank (except on very rare occasions), it has to borrow dollars from people who have them to lend.
The above is so so important because . . . When the Federal government borrows money, no money is created. For many reasons, the important dynamics of that fact is impossible to understate!
If there is an enemy, it is not the Federal Reserve. I know this will offend many but with today's technology the Fed is just like any other business. You literally can chose when and where to use them or not at all . . .
and what is far more important they known that better than you do!