Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
Trump's 44 uses of clemency powers seen as a bad thing by critics. Obama granted clemency nearly 2,000 times.
The truth is that Trump has granted clemency only 44 times, Pew reported.. He has granted 28 pardons and 16 commutations. The president has granted less than 0.5% of all clemency requests. Trump critics might not like whom the president has pardoned and why, but the Constitution grants him — and every president — the power to do so. And he's a piker compared to his predecessor.
President Barack Obama issued clemency 1,927 times — including 212 pardons and 1,715 commutations.
And many of Obama's clemency moves were seen extremely controversial at the time, Pew noted:
Oh well, leftwing hypocrisy is so much the norm that nobody is even surprised anymore. Hey, is that Sylvester Stallone?

Trump's 44 uses of clemency powers seen as a bad thing by critics. Obama granted clemency nearly 2,000 times. | Blaze Media
Trump has granted clemency less often than any president in more than a century

The truth is that Trump has granted clemency only 44 times, Pew reported.. He has granted 28 pardons and 16 commutations. The president has granted less than 0.5% of all clemency requests. Trump critics might not like whom the president has pardoned and why, but the Constitution grants him — and every president — the power to do so. And he's a piker compared to his predecessor.
President Barack Obama issued clemency 1,927 times — including 212 pardons and 1,715 commutations.
And many of Obama's clemency moves were seen extremely controversial at the time, Pew noted:
But Trump is far from the only president who has faced scrutiny over his use of clemency. Obama's frequent use of commutations, particularly for prisoners convicted of drug-related crimes, prompted criticism from Republicans, who said it benefited “an entire class of offenders" and infringed on the “lawmaking authority" of the legislative branch.
Oh well, leftwing hypocrisy is so much the norm that nobody is even surprised anymore. Hey, is that Sylvester Stallone?