There is a rumor going around that the Russian government is able to get in and out of a website without leaving a trace. If that is true, then that would be bad news for elections that only use electronic means of voting.
I once watched a 17 year old kid from Bosnia do that very thing to an entire network of computers, just as a prank.
Another time, this one individual had a computer that was infested with some 19,000 viruses.
A Guatamalen I knew restored it from its' "blue screen" to where it was in a matter of minutes, as if it had never been infested - simply by rapidly typing in a long set of key strokes.
But let's alienate such talent.
How many "undocumented" recent U.S. War Veterans is it we have deported back to Mexico, thus far.
Donald Trump is an absolute fool, completely blinded by his over blown narcissism and profound bigotry.