Many, many commentators have stated that Trump is "narcissistic", and he does not, and cannot deny it. Indeed it is the totality of his message. It is all about how great he is. He does not explain how he plans to accomplish his goals, just that he will do it. By the sheer force of his awesomeness, we must suppose. This is text book Narcissism.
Narcissism is not however, just a minor personality quirk. "Narcissism is as near as modern psychology can come to describing human evil." Dr Scott Peck, in his book length study of evil, The People of the Lie.
Be warned! Trump is evil. Listen to what he is actually saying and watch his responses to criticism. He proposes running rough shod over the protections the law has in place to protect minorities.
I doubt he is electable but strange things happen in elections. In the 1930's the best educated, most civilized nation on earth, elected Adolf Hitler. How could that happen? Yet it did.
Trump may be America's Hitler.